September 22, 2023

The refilling of the emergency fund is the key to success

In this week’s episode, Dame, Kristen, Pete, and special guest L.A.-based comedian Danny Dunn (actually related), discuss various financial topics.

Episode Transcript

Peter Dunn
You, so I know I like to work out material on the show. It's like, oh, hey, former comedian still tries to seem engaging and entertaining by having a podcast. So, you know, I work out bits. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're not. And I am the comic relief of this show. Yes. The show has my namesake. Yes. There are two co hosts who are both funny and engaging and clearly financially intelligent, if nothing else. But today we decided to add a higher comedic element to the show here on the Peter Planner show, and that is welcoming. Stand up comedian Danny Dunn is a special kristen, what are we going to call him?


Kristen Ahlenius
What are we going to call the only thing that just came to my mind was the fact that now no one's going to believe that three of you aren't related. And I don't know why that didn't dawn on me until just now.


Peter Dunn
Danny, welcome to the show.


Danny Dunn
Well, two of us are related.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
Or all of you, but we don't.


Danny Dunn
Have to say which two of us are related.


Peter Dunn
It is true. This is like a story problem all of a sudden. Yes.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, boy.


Damian Dunn
Danny, he refuses to do a 23 ANDME test with me just to confirm that we aren't related. What do you think? Should he submit to a saliva test?


Danny Dunn
I think there's a lot that Peter's hiding in his DNA and I think we need to get to the bottom of it. So we need to collect as much DNA as we can and we can send it off and then we'll get some answers.


Peter Dunn
I'm keeping my DNA to myself on this day's show.


Danny Dunn
I think that's why he shaves his head.


Peter Dunn
That's true.


Danny Dunn
Have as little DNA as possible.


Peter Dunn
That's a theory. So Danny is my cousin. Our dads are brothers. His dad looks like sort of the poor man's John McCain.


Danny Dunn
That's fair. Yeah.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, it looks like John McCain. May he rest in peace. John McCain.


Danny Dunn
John McCain.


Peter Dunn
Of course not. Your dad and Damien? Dunn. No relation. We just have a tremendous amount in common other than lineage. And Kristen Alanius, who is regretting every moment of her life at this point in time. Kristen, have you planned a delightful show for us this week?


Kristen Ahlenius
I don't know about delightful, but I have plans.


Peter Dunn
We see. Big Rick Swink makes it into the show today. Hello, Big Rick Swink. Danny, there's a gentleman who is part of our community here. His name is Big Rick Swink. Sounds like the sort of guy you want to sit down at a bar primarily decorated with various types of wood and enjoy a beer with. Right, of course.


Danny Dunn
Yeah. Rick, how are we doing? Is this comments from fans who are listening to the live stream?


Peter Dunn
That is correct.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Danny was born, I believe, in the 90s.


Danny Dunn
In the 90s, correct.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. You and Kristen are probably similar. Yeah. You guys are probably the same age. Yeah. You kristen.


Danny Dunn
Can I ask Kristen? I probably shouldn't ask how old you are.


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
Do you want to say what year you were born instead?


Peter Dunn
No, but seriously Dame, how much do you weigh? So Danny is a comedian out in La area, does a lot in Santa Barbara, Pasadena, various spots in La.


Danny Dunn
Yeah, all over La. So Los Angeles proper and then we venture out every once in a while.


Peter Dunn
He's very funny. I might link some of his material to the of remember, we're on LinkedIn. We're on LinkedIn. Brian pinken says hello. Hello, Heather, good to see you. Catching the live show. Met some listeners this week, met some random podcast listeners. I have an awkward story for you, Dame. You know that I have the mentality of probably a gentleman in my sixty s. And so I think it's more interesting that we have a radio show than we do a podcast. So someone introduced me to someone, they said, oh, this is Peter Dunn, he's got a really good podcast. And I said, well, radio show. And when I said, well radio show, to the person I was being introduced to, they heard radio show. And then all of a sudden it became less important because they were more excited by podcasts. And that's how I know that I'm sort of out of the pop culture relevance.


Danny Dunn
But did you say it to kind of puff yourself up a little bit of like, well, it's more than that.


Peter Dunn
But you know, Danny, as a ginger, as a fellow ginger, one who still owns it, other than you're wearing a hat to cover that flamy mess that things usually backfire. And that's what happened.


Damian Dunn
Danny, has he told you, or should I say how many times has he told you that he's a top 1% podcast?


Peter Dunn
Have I told you that?


Danny Dunn
I've actually never been told that you.


Peter Dunn
Are on a top 1% podcast.


Danny Dunn
But he does tell me how often people come up to him. Like, we got breakfast this morning and I don't think I'm speaking out of turn.


Peter Dunn
No, go ahead.


Danny Dunn
Peter was like, It'll probably Peter, we're here, teacher. He was like, people come up to me all the time. I would say, it's definitely going to happen while were here. And then on our way out, someone grabbed him, I think, by the shirt and tugged it like a child and was like, excuse me, I loved your show.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. So I took off my shirt and left. Hello.


Danny Dunn
He left the shirt in the restaurant.


Peter Dunn
Daniel, David and Caitlin. So it's a family affair. Caitlin Alenius kristen sinner. Sister. Kristen Sinner joins us. That got weird. Sorry, Caitlin, you want to start the radio show?


Danny Dunn
I just I did it again.


Peter Dunn
I went to pull up the timer and I brought up the calculator. Calculator getting old. Okay, let's go in three. What are we doing? Greg's, question.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
Okay. Were we not calling it Greg's question.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, you can call it whatever.


Peter Dunn
It's just yeah, I forgot.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
Okay. Three, two, one. This week on the Pete the Planner show, we answer your money questions. Here's how the show works. You email us that's Ask Pete with A-K-I mean, look, if we're in Basque country, it could be something Pete. Anyway, it's That's, Askpete, and you email us, and we'll answer your question on the air. What we will not do is call you after the show and try to sell you things, because we don't really do that. And most often, if you email us, we probably actually won't even we're being honest. We won't even read it. Joining us this week is Damien Dunn. Kristen Alanius, my coworkers. Here at your moneyline. Hello, people.


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
Good day.


Peter Dunn
And special guest of the show this week is La based comedian Danny Dunn. Relation. So Damien Dunn and I are not related. Danny Dunn and I are related. He is an La based comedian, and he joins us on the show today. Hello, Danny.


Danny Dunn
Guys, it's a pleasure to be here.


Peter Dunn
That seemed insincere. All right, so here is the first question of the show. Dear Kristen, Dame and Pete, in that particular order, currently going through a when it rains, it pours type of life financial situation. Dame, I would like to use one of my timeouts.


Damian Dunn
You get two.


Peter Dunn
Wow. We've been there. Is it the worst? Dame, how many times a year are you in a I'm bleeding money scenario? Do you believe?


Damian Dunn
Twice. But it feels like so much more, right?


Peter Dunn
Yeah. It's because they're varying amounts of time. You know what I'm saying?


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Kristen, how many times a year do you bleed money?


Kristen Ahlenius
I say, like, once a year. I feel like it really gets me.


Peter Dunn
I got stroked about eight weeks ago with air conditioner and some car stuff. It just got crushed. Danny, curious. Do you ever feel like you're just absolutely bleeding money?


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
Yes, constantly. So it's once a year, and the longevity of that is 365 days is.


Danny Dunn
The when you guys said once a year, my breath left my body. I constantly feel that way.


Peter Dunn
Back to the email. Within the last two weeks, new tires, that's $900 for the van, $2,500 car fix for the Prius broken washing machine, that's $900. And $1,200 car fix for the van. We're reaching in and touching an account that I really prefer not touch. The old hostage fund, if you will call it the emergency savings. Yes. Two emergencies, and this is the first time we've had touch it. On one hand, I feel good that we have the money and blessed and highly favored, and we can access this account to help. Other hand, I'm extremely frustrated because touching this account feels like we are taking a step back financially. My question is, how do I get over the feeling and back on track when it comes to my finances. More psychology and less math driven. Love the show. You guys do a tremendous job. Greg kristen, he said psychology and I said, let's go to the persons with the master's degree.


Peter Dunn
How does someone get their head right if that is their life?


Kristen Ahlenius
You have to know what makes you tick as a person, in my opinion. So for me, I would say that I would need to look in this situation at what is my path to being back to where I was before this happened. How long does it take me to get back to this place where I feel comfortable? And I would work toward that goal if it's going to take me six months, if it's going to take me twelve months, whatever that time frame is, and I would lean into the math to help me feel better about it.


Peter Dunn
Dame $5,500 was the outlay on the financial bleeding that just occurred. I did the math. For us, sometimes it's a weekend and people don't want to do the math. And so as the host, I'll do it. 5500 American dollars. Dame is that daunting to think, how long is it going to take me to build up $5,500 more? Sure.


Damian Dunn
Even if you have the category built into your budget where you are actively saving into a savings account, it's not likely going to be five, six, $700. For most families, it's going to take a significant amount of time. The good news is you've already prepared for it. The money was there, it was used appropriately, and now you are going to replenish that account. I think the bigger mental challenge for me would have been if I didn't have money set aside and I had to put it on credit or something else, that would have been to Greg's point, that would have felt like a significant step backwards. But we get these mental games and standards built up in our heads that even when we have money set aside for an intended purpose, we have a hard time letting it go. Retirement dollars. It happens with Pete, I'm sure you've seen it over the years where people do a great job of saving and then they're reluctant to spend that money in retirement for whatever reason.


Damian Dunn
It could be an emergency fund, it could be any number of things, down payment on a house, car. But once we have that, once we see that money sitting in a savings account or wherever it is under the mattress, we don't want to let it go.


Peter Dunn
Danny, you are an expert at metaphors. As a standup comedian and even understanding the word metaphor, you have a lot of takes on me. Let me paint a picture for you here.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
What Greg has gone through is that he was driving on a country road and he got a flat tire. And since he had a spare tire, his next task is to go get the original tire repaired. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Was he upset? Yes. But here's what it wasn't, Danny. He didn't have to walk 10 miles into town because he didn't have a spare tire. And so that's the element. And so how is that for a metaphor?


Danny Dunn
I find metaphors confusing. This thing is like another thing now. There are two things. It's too much.


Peter Dunn
It's a lot to keep track of. Kristen, what other elements here? Let's go old school here. Are all four of these emergencies new tires for a car emergency or should he be tedious and have a car repair fund?


Kristen Ahlenius
I mean, if you want to get technical, you could bucket those funds separately. I don't. Personally, I think it depends on how much margin you have available in your budget and that's something that I don't know the super particulars of this situation. Maybe they're in a situation where before they were able to cash flow an emergency and now they're not. So maybe that's why they're feeling that way. Or maybe they were able to build up an emergency savings fund really quickly, but circumstances have changed and now replenishing that feels like it's a steeper hill to climb. I think there could be other circumstances here.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Dame I'm liking Kristen's idea of you go like, how much time do you want to take to rebuild this and then you just sort of chunk it down to those months. Do you think this is the importance of having a natural savings mechanism every month or do you feel like, oh, now they're going to have to subtract that amount of spending out of other areas of their life to make up for? What do you think most people do?


Damian Dunn
Most people, I think they're going to have to try and script and save and try and figure out where they can get money to replenish that account. That's why it's so important to have this already designated in your monthly budget. And if you don't have a budget where you do this, maybe you consider having some small portion of your paycheck directed to a savings account automatically so you don't have to worry about it. It just happens because like anything else, if you're forced to make that decision, you're probably not going to choose the one that might be a little bit painful. You're going to choose the one that is the easiest to do on a month in, month out basis.


Peter Dunn
You're listening to the Pete, the Planner show normal co host Damien Dunn. Kristen Alanius joined me and special in studio guest. I don't know why I want to say a word after guest. He's just a guest is La based comedian Danny Dunn and he is related to me. Mind you, Danny, you are financially smart, but you are not a financial genius like the other three people on this show. How do you think of your emergency fund? Do you sort of chunk it down of like? Well, this part of it's for my car, this part of it's for a house I don't like. How do you get your head around that?


Danny Dunn
First of all, no one owns house in La. Also, it's very generous of you to assume that I have an emergency fund.


Peter Dunn
I know you have an emergency fund.


Danny Dunn
I do. I called Pete maybe a year ago and I had all of my money in my checking account. Every dollar I had was currently in my checking account. And I like to think I've grown in that last year. But the listener should have heard his reaction to that statement.


Peter Dunn
I gaffled like an old what?


Danny Dunn
When Peter is startled, he turns into Jimmy Stewart. Apparently.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, that's true. It's funny when Danny calls my house and we chat, I go into this chair in my office at home, and my wife always knows that I'm talking to Danny. I always sit right there when I talk to him. I don't know why. It actually sounds scandalous and it's not.


Danny Dunn
Meant to be, but we call it Peter's Pete's special chair. If I have a second to ask.


Peter Dunn
A question, you have about 10 seconds, but go ahead if I don't yeah.


Danny Dunn
If someone takes money out of their emergency fund, does that then become the top priority to put it back into the emergency fund?


Peter Dunn
Kristen yes.


Danny Dunn
Over everything?


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Other than your mortgage and possibly buying some Sustenance every once in a while. Speaking of Sustenance, let's talk financial nightmares. That's what we're doing next. Right here on the Pete the Planner show. I'm Pete the planner. That's nine minutes and 22 seconds, prof. Yes.


Kristen Ahlenius
Your camera doesn't like the white shirt as much as the green one.


Danny Dunn
Oh. Why?


Peter Dunn
Did the color change? Yeah, but here's the other thing. I don't like sweating my head off, so I don't care.


Kristen Ahlenius
Okay. I was just letting you no.


Peter Dunn
That was not as rude as it was meant to sound. Here's the thing, Kristen. I'm used to not be aesthetically pleasing in any lighting or camera angle, so I'm okay with no.


Kristen Ahlenius
That's dame. Help me.


Damian Dunn
No, you're doing great.


Kristen Ahlenius
I meant that the camera it didn't readjust for the light different.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, no, I don't no.


Kristen Ahlenius
Thank you.


Peter Dunn
I appreciate that.


Danny Dunn
Bit of a monster boss off the air.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
Sorry. I'll just go back to shut up.


Danny Dunn
You thought the Fallon article was bad. What I'm about to put out on this show will rock the financial world.


Peter Dunn
Is there any truth to the fact that there's a writer's strike and you left town and you're here indiana just like it's like Return to Glory. Why are you here? Because the Writers Guild strike.


Danny Dunn
I'm here for a wedding.


Peter Dunn
Oh, congrats.


Danny Dunn
Yeah, I'm here for a wedding. I'm officiating the wedding. It's a big weekend for a lot of people.


Peter Dunn
All right. Do you want to run your joke.


Danny Dunn
By I thought this was so funny. And I made the mistake of running it by the bride and groom before doing it. It's better to just did I lose them? Oh, there we go. It's better to ask forgiveness, of course. Right. So there's a section where I thank everyone for being there, obviously. Right. And I want to say, hey, thank you so much for being here for Adam and Em's special day. If you're here for Jared Goldstein's bar mitzvah, you are in the wrong then, which that's only the setup. I have a plant in the audience who is going to get up and oh, take off his yamaka and then walk out the back door.


Peter Dunn
Yes. No, it's funny, but it's like this is this young woman's special day. She doesn't want jokes.


Danny Dunn
Oh, you don't want a wedding. Shouldn't have theatrics and pageantry.


Peter Dunn
Not in the Midwest.


Danny Dunn
I would argue that's the point.


Peter Dunn
I would say there's mike D would.


Danny Dunn
Say I care most about Kristen's opinion. Kristen, bad idea. Good idea.


Kristen Ahlenius
I thought it was funny.


Damian Dunn
But how many people are in this weding? Do you have a rough idea of the crowd size?


Danny Dunn
There's about 250 people at this wedding.


Peter Dunn
Wait, those are very different numbers.


Danny Dunn
There's 150 people at this wedding.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
So it could go over really bad with only 100. And it's a big swing.


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
There's crowd participation. It hinges on a lot of factors. I also want to introduce myself as Joel Osteen.


Peter Dunn
Just so you had a little bit of credibility. Credibility.


Damian Dunn
Are there more brides family expected or are they both local?


Danny Dunn
It's. One's from Buffalo, one's from Indiana. So I think the Indiana side will be the majority.


Damian Dunn
Do you think they would appreciate the joke?


Danny Dunn
I don't think anyone in the audience would appreciate the joke. I think it's a joke for the groom. The groom loved the joke. The bride said, do not do that at my wedding.


Peter Dunn
Big Rick Swink has a point, as he often does. If someone chooses a comedian to officiate their weding and they're going to get mad about him telling a joke, I think they may have some other issues going on.


Danny Dunn
Rick Swink a modern day philosopher.


Peter Dunn
No, big Rick Swink is everything to this show. Danny, as a Midwesterner, I know that it's just a vibe. It's a thing. It is definitely recognized. Probably when you're at in La. And I know even when you were dating here in the Midwest, even taking a date over to your parents house got awkward just because of the Midwesternness, especially if they weren't even sure.


Danny Dunn
People are people are caught off guard. If you're from really either coast, which I'm sure you guys have met people from either one, people are never I keep to my group. People are so confused about the Midwest. They think people don't expect the stereotypes to be so true. I brought a girl who was from the east coast. She lives in La. She's from the east coast. I brought her home to meet my parents for the first time. And I think Midwestern parents are more nervous about making a good impression on you, the girlfriend. So my mom was more nervous than my girlfriend, and my mom kind of panicked. And she brought this girl in the house. They'd never met. She brings her in the house by the hand, leads her in the house. And she wanted to make her feel like she was part of the family, like one of the kids.


Danny Dunn
So she made her stand against our doorframe, our entryway doorframe, and she measured. She made her stand there, pulled out a tape measure, marked her height on our doorframe. And Kristen, just as a general rule, I don't date girls who should be expecting growth spurts.


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
I feel like that's a dynamite rule.


Kristen Ahlenius
Good clarity there. Yeah.


Damian Dunn
Did your mom step back and go, that'll do.


Danny Dunn
That'll do just fine.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. She could have been, like, measuring her for a strait jacket or something. It's like she's going to be a prisoner. She's still in your basement.


Danny Dunn
This girl you have not seen don't, we don't speak anymore.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, that got dark. Okay, so speaking of dark, let's do a segment on financial nightmares. This is Kristen's topic, so we know what she's been going through this week. All right, in three, two, one. Back on the planner show. You know, if I wake up in the panic in the middle of the night, it's not because my burglar alarm went off with all those burglars running around. It's because I've likely had a financial nightmare. And I don't like a metaphor of a financial nightmare. I mean, I'm literally sweating bullets, figuratively, as I wake up having thoughts about financial ruin. And Kristen pre show was like, hey, does anybody else have this? And the reality is, yeah, I think we all do. Kristen financial nightmares, do they mean something's horribly wrong? Is it just anxiety? Like, what is happening?


Kristen Ahlenius
I think it's for me, and that's why I wanted to get other opinions. So in the chat, I would love to know if other people feel this way, too. I think it's because we deal with the financial realities of people on a day to day basis in our jobs that sometimes you try to not internalize that because their reality is different from yours, but sometimes it creeps into your subconscious. Obviously, because I had a nightmare last night that even though I'm a financial expert, I had signed for a variable rate mortgage.


Peter Dunn
What? I know, by the way, that's the nerdiest financial nightmare of all time. I know.


Kristen Ahlenius
I'm sorry. And not only was it variable, but it was this product that no one had ever heard of, where they could just increase my rate whenever they wanted. And I got a letter in the mail that my five and a half percent rate, which you guys already make fun of me for was going to be six and a half percent, subject to future increases. And in the dream, this would not be true, but in the dream, it was going to cost me an extra $400 a month, and I was sweating.


Peter Dunn
It was a I believe you're certified, at least on LinkedIn as a dream analyzer. What do you think this dream says about miscellaneous?


Damian Dunn
Well, I think it means she's got some serious regret going on about some issues with commitment as well.


Peter Dunn
On her.


Danny Dunn
Getting personal.


Peter Dunn
Danny sitting in the show this week, danny Dunn, la based comedian Danny Damien, everyone with a D done.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
Danny, you were also specializing, analyzing dreams. What do you think of this pretty intense financial nightmare for Kristen?


Danny Dunn
First of all, I think you should have had Joseph from Joseph in the technicolor dreamcode as a special guest instead of me. If you're doing dream interpretation, sure. Also, this reminds me of in college when I took a Spanish class that was way above my level, and then every once in a while, the teacher would say something and the whole class would laugh, and I would have pretty much zero idea. I was like, I thought Bibliotecha meant library, but everyone seems to act like it's a punchline. When you said the variable and you guys started laughing, that's a nightmare. I was like, I could see myself doing that. I have no idea how bad that is. So on a scale of one to ten, how bad is that dream?


Peter Dunn
That's a good question. Kristen, scale of one to ten, if that was your reality, in the spirit.


Danny Dunn
Of metaphors, can you give me what a metaphor would be for the severity of that situation?


Kristen Ahlenius
I cannot give you a metaphor, but these particular circumstances where there was no cap and they could raise rates as often as they wanted, that's like a ten. I mean, it was worst case scenario were talking about. My mortgage was very quickly going to become unaffordable and I would have to move.


Peter Dunn
I had a recurring dream probably eight or nine years ago about the FBI raiding our home because I didn't declare, like, $100 of 1099 income. And Dame? Do you remember Dame? Several years ago, there was an FBI financial raid on my street. Do you remember this?


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Okay. So I think I was at Newark, just landed, and Mrs. Planner hits me up on the Palm Pilot and she's there. The FBI is raiding a few doors down from our house. There's news cameras everywhere. It was a financial crime or whatever, and it just, like, stuck in my head. And then months after that, I'm having this dream of, like, I didn't report 1099 income. And then I wake up in cold sweat and tears and kristen. It got to the point where I would go into the first part of my day unconvinced. It wasn't true. You ever have that? Where you're pretty sure the dream happened, especially if it's financially related.


Kristen Ahlenius
Especially if it feels like it was at the end of your sleep cycle, like, you kind of wake up out of it. It sometimes takes a while to come back to what is reality and to bring it back to how serious of a problem would that be? Because I feel like that could be a follow up question here. Not reporting $100 in 1099 income is not worthy of any sort of FBI attention.


Peter Dunn
I remember actually going to Mrs. Planner in a panic, like, the next couple of nights and just been like, hey, I need to talk to you about something serious. And I was like, I think this could convinced my dream, actually convinced me it was a thing. Damn. I'm curious. Any recurring financial dreams?


Damian Dunn
Yeah, it's a variation, but it's usually on the same theme. So it's missing bills or missing payments, but it's like, we haven't gotten your mortgage for six months, whatever it is, or a car payment or just electric or whatever. I know it seems potentially minor for some people, but stuff like that, it just eats at me. And I will sit up straight and check my computer, make sure everything's set up to go. It's very nerdy, but that's who I.


Peter Dunn
Am as a non financial person. Danny, do you have financial nightmares? I mean, while sleeping?


Danny Dunn
I haven't done my taxes yet this year.


Peter Dunn
Well, is that bad? Well, you've got, what, about 20 days to get that done, dan okay.


Danny Dunn
And I think I'm fine.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, I mean, with the filed extension.


Damian Dunn
Extension, that's the chance.


Peter Dunn
Okay, great. Yeah, you're fine.


Danny Dunn
I have no nightmares. Then I'm good.


Kristen Ahlenius
To be fair, Damien, your financial nightmare, for someone who takes a very laid back approach to their budget, could actually happen. If you have everything set up on auto pay and you know that you meet your monthly expenses, you could absolutely get a letter in the mail that one payment has slipped through the cracks. That happened to someone that I know. Everything was on auto pay, and their account was compromised. They didn't check their mail, so their bank had closed their account, and a bunch of their bills weren't being paid, and they didn't know because everything's always covered. We're fine. And finally, they checked their mail and realized they were behind on a bunch of stuff that could totally happen to somebody.


Damian Dunn
And looking forward to that nightmare happening in the next couple of nights. Appreciate that new twist.


Peter Dunn
Damon, you've owned a business or two, I think, with sort of the unspoken here, at least for me, is, yeah, there's my personal financial nightmares. But if anyone listening right now has ever owned a business, the visceral feel of a business financial nightmare is breathtaking. It is the worst thing in the world. Dame. Am I wrong?


Damian Dunn
No. Those two, I don't know if they were necessarily nightmares. They were. Just reality sometimes. And they revolved around two things payroll and clients were slow to pay.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn


Danny Dunn
Do you guys find it weird that you guys are the most prepared people to deal with financial anxieties in situations but experiencing the most anxiety about these situations? Like, I would trust if I was in a situation, I would call.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, yeah. And then I have a nightmare about your situation and then don't tell me.


Danny Dunn
It sounds like you're freaking out all the time.


Peter Dunn
That's fair. Kristen, I mean, I think maybe we're onto something here.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah. I think it comes back to because we hear about it, you take people's problems on as your own sometimes. A lot of the time we care about others personal financial lives more than they care about them.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
As a result. I don't know how that works psychologically, but you internalize it, and then apparently in dream state, you apply it to your own personal financial life.


Peter Dunn
I got to assume, like a dietitian or a physician, for that matter. Yeah.


Danny Dunn
You guys are like doctors and COVID nurses.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. They probably have similar medical based nightmares, I would assume. Again, Dame, that's just another financial person comparing themselves to a medical professional. We love doing that.


Danny Dunn
You guys are on the front lines.


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
Let's take a moment of silence for our first responders on this show.


Peter Dunn
Oh, lord. All right, so let's do call. Everyone calm down. Calm down. We've got more email questions coming after the break. is how you get that email to us and your ears are how you get the answer? That's next on the Pete the planner show. I'm Pete the planner. All right, so, Danny, so far your experience here different than you thought it'd be?


Danny Dunn
I don't know if I had an expectation.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, it's good.


Danny Dunn
Not in a bad way. Just when you join a dynamic, you never know what the dynamic is going to. So I'm just settling know. How does Kristen feel about Dame? How does dame feel about yeah. Is there tension? Is there beef? Are there alliances? And I'm just enjoying seeing it all play out. It's like one big game of yeah.


Damian Dunn
As far as non witty FM morning shows go. How's the vibe on this one?


Danny Dunn
I think this one's great. Now I'll turn it over to you guys. Feedback for me. Am I a wrench in your well oiled machine or are you enjoying you're playing it well. Fresh air.


Peter Dunn
I think you're playing it well. But I'm the most biased person because I'm a fan, but I think you're playing it well.


Danny Dunn
Jane, what do you think?


Damian Dunn
Yeah, I have no problems.


Danny Dunn
That's the most withholding man on the show. What do you think? The stoic of the show?


Damian Dunn
Now, you're close. You're getting right there.


Danny Dunn
You've read the room, the foundation.


Damian Dunn
That might be a little strong. My name's not on the show. I'm not the foundation of anything. No, it's good. You are contributing appropriately, and you're not stepping on which is the challenge, just stepping on people when you're trying to join a bigger group.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. So the idea here, I texted Danny a night or two ago about this, and I was like, hey, you want to do it? So my idea was Bob and Tom show, right? So Bob and Tom Show would have guest comedians come on, and they would sit in on the news or whatever else they're talking about. And Dame, I don't know the time here, because you know how I am with time. It was either last week or ten years ago. I was on the Bob and Tom.


Danny Dunn
You know what?


Peter Dunn
This is 2016, now that I think about it. I was on The Bob and Tom Show as a sit in, and I got plugged. No, for who?


Danny Dunn
For your radio appearance.


Peter Dunn
Oh, on Bob and Tom from ten years ago? Yeah.


Danny Dunn
It's in the archives.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Try to find it. You can just fax someone and they'll.


Danny Dunn
It'S behind the paywall, but you can find it.


Peter Dunn
And I just remember sitting there and the one you've heard the show. Danny's never heard the show. But you hear the show, you think there's this dynamic. You want to be part of it. You've heard what works, you hear what doesn't. You don't want to step on anybody, right? You don't want to step on anybody, and you just want to get your shots in when you is it's a little daunting. And by the way, this is not the Bob and Tom show. There's a lot less bread here.


Damian Dunn
I if I remember right, I think you had Chicken Jess on your show. At one point. I knew they were coming on, and I was super excited for it. And then just the vibe they brought wasn't it didn't match what you normally hear them as because they were in a different element and they were just trying to figure stuff out. It was a good show, but it's amazing how you get put in within different scenarios and different groups, and it changes everything.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
Speaking of dynamics, danza former Listener of the Year notes. Dude, you got to push that drawer in. Otherwise, ten out of ten, danny is in studio with me.


Danny Dunn
Actually, put your hand peter in the same room.


Peter Dunn
Here, put your hand over it.


Danny Dunn
See, there it is.


Peter Dunn
I'm pulling its finger. Wait, don't do that. No. Okay. We're in the same room. It's just a different angle. So that is just like the junkie part of the studio.


Danny Dunn
Do I have time to ask you a question?


Peter Dunn
Yes, go ahead. There's your question.


Danny Dunn
Well, moving along, then.


Peter Dunn
Go ahead.


Danny Dunn
No, I'm enjoying being part of the dynamic. My goal is not to score, but merely to enjoy my time with you guys. That being said, I do have a question. You're talking about the FBI raid for financial crimes that was happening in your neighborhood?


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
Question to the group. This happens in entertainment a lot where we find out that someone is a monster. Right. Often, far too often, we find out someone that we maybe liked or looked up to was a monster. And then it crumbles and it sends waves through people in the entertainment and the world. When a big financial person gets big old busted, is it a bummer for you guys? Are you like, oh, that like, you know what? The same type of like, your hero has fallen dame.


Peter Dunn
This is an amazing question.


Danny Dunn
Were you guys big Murdoch fans?


Damian Dunn


Danny Dunn
Were you a big George Belfort guy in early 2000s?


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
I would say, first of all, Indiana is the Ponzi scheme capital of the world. Like, Danny, you may not know this, but in the 90s, early 2000s, there were like, more ponzi schemes in Hamilton County, Indiana.


Danny Dunn
That can't be true. Oh, it's like the town and bank.


Damian Dunn
Robberies, but nationally known, like national news stuff.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
Yeah. And so what's strange about that is that I knew a lot of these people or knew of them when it down, but their personalities were always such that they were the sort of people I never root for anyone to fail. I never root for anyone to take advantage of anyone.


Danny Dunn
However, there's some drama.


Peter Dunn
So when people some of these things happen, you're like, okay, that makes a lot of sense. I'm glad they caught them. I would say, Damon, in our financial industry, the way you and I view it, at least as former securities license holders, you always rooted for the crooks to get.


Damian Dunn
I mean, if that means that somebody that I might have looked up to wasn't necessarily dealing from the top of the deck, then, okay, they have no business dealing with the public and they should be taken care of appropriately. So, yeah, if somebody steps out of line and they get to meet the FBI at 330 in the morning, sure, so be it.


Danny Dunn
But are you ever surprised on who it is? Because a lot of times we will be surprised who it is. Is it in finance? I feel like it might be a little more obvious.


Damian Dunn
I don't know. I guess I'm not sure how to respond to that. Pete, what's your perspective?


Danny Dunn
You know, when people are like, we would have never expected it from them?


Peter Dunn
Well, I'll say this and I'm trying without naming names, and Kristen and Dane both know I'm going. There is a prominent personal finance person who people love or hate, one or the other. There's very few people indifferent about this. And Danny, you are now the only person not only on the show, but listening to the show that has no idea what the heck we're talking about.


Danny Dunn
That's been most of the show.


Peter Dunn
This person has had multiple exposes written about them in the workplace and the various things and that have not affected this person whatsoever. So to your point of, like, were laughing earlier about this, like, the Jimmy Fallon story that came out in the entertainment industry of, like, he's this terrible boss in the workplace. Well, these things came out about this prominent person in personal finance, a name that, you know, but I'm not going to say, and no one that's a little bit of a weird part of you mean, do you feel like the shine came off that star at all when those expose came out?


Kristen Ahlenius
No, I don't think so. And perhaps the difference here is that the three of us in this setting specifically, are probably more of an exception than a rule, meaning that most people in our industry are not working public facing or in more of an entertainment media type spotlight. And so we don't see it with the masses. You see it in your one one workings with people. So it's like you get information from a client, or we would call them participants, and they're like, man, this happened with another professional in my life, CPA, personal financial planner, whatever. And they're like, they gave me this advice, and it was bad. And then we're like, man, what is a client supposed to do? Because they went to someone they thought they could trust. I think we see it on not a public level, but we do see it a lot.


Peter Dunn
Dean, I was on the national news this morning with a controversial figure by accident. I was on News Nation this morning, and the segment before mine was Sean Spicer, who is the former communications director for President Trump. And when the inauguration photo came out, he had to defend the fact that it was the largest crowd of people ever. And even in those moments where there was a noted fall from grace for Sean Spicer, at some point, whether it's Jimmy Fallon, Sean Spicer, or anyone else who's disgraced, there generally is a path back to acceptance. Right. So for whatever that's worth, Danny, to your question, I think Jimmy Fallon will be fine. And I know that was your big really?


Danny Dunn
Really, roping jimmy Fallon and John Spicer together.


Peter Dunn
I bet John Spicer's been on the Jimmy Fallon show.


Danny Dunn
Maybe the hottest take of the show so far. Yeah. Don't worry.


Peter Dunn
It'll get worse. All right, so, Kristen, what are we doing here?


Kristen Ahlenius
It's up to you. We can either do the question about 72 T or the car question 72 T. As long as you have something to contribute to that conversation.


Peter Dunn
I think it's interesting. I don't think people know this. I know Danny doesn't.


Kristen Ahlenius
It's not as much about the question. It's the second part that makes me think that we could turn it into a segment.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
The part where the person says they miss you. No.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
All right, here we go.


Danny Dunn
M three.


Peter Dunn
What am I supposed to say?


Kristen Ahlenius
That you can?


Peter Dunn
I guess I'm not going to give names.


Kristen Ahlenius
That's fine.


Peter Dunn
Lots of people miss you. Except Jimmy Fallon. Three, two, one. Back on the Pete the Planner show. Kristen, we got an email. Mr. Pete and Kristen. Sorry, man. Dame.


Damian Dunn
It's all right.


Peter Dunn
How are you feeling?


Damian Dunn
Not seen?


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
There's a neighbor boy can I get a timeout? Can I use my second time out?


Damian Dunn
It's all yours.


Peter Dunn
There's a neighbor boy, friends of young Theodore, and he loves to fish, but his parents don't really fish. And when I'm not hooking myself and going to the emergency room with fishing tackle, I do like to fish as well. That's two trips to the Er. Last one was $1,400. And he calls me Mr. Pete. And the other day I went over to fix his rod. This is getting strange. And so being called Mr. Pete in an email makes me think, is this from him? And is he a big Kristen fan and also dislikes Dame? What are the chances of that?


Damian Dunn
Kristen shooting a shot?


Peter Dunn
Mr. Pete and Kristen, can you explain how to tie a uni knot on a fishing line?


Danny Dunn
No, just kidding.


Peter Dunn
Can you explain how a 72 T works and give an example of how it could be useful? Is the income withdrawn from the account counts towards a form of income to qualify for a mortgage loan signed anonymous. Okay, so before we get there, Danny Dunn, La based comedian, joining us here on the show. Relation. Danny, 72 T, what do you got?


Danny Dunn
Will you say the question one more time?


Peter Dunn
Yes. Can you explain how a 72 T works?


Danny Dunn
That's probably not a car, right?


Peter Dunn
No, it is not.


Danny Dunn
Probably not.


Peter Dunn
Right. I will say, Dame, I think 72 T is one of the more esoteric things in the financial world, yet is common. It's a weird thing. Not a lot of people know you can do it, but it is done on a somewhat regular basis, by no means a majority basis. The average person has no clue what a 72 T is.


Damian Dunn
You think it's done on a semi regular basis?


Peter Dunn
I don't know how to put percentages to this, but I would say clearly it's in the minority of execution. But I think it's an arrow in the quiver that gets knocked from time to time.


Damian Dunn
Okay, we're going to chase this. What percentage? If we had to guess, and there's probably some stat out there, more or less than 10%.


Peter Dunn
Oh, that's a great marker. I'm going to let Kristen answer first, but even though she's good at guessing, these things just not blah.


Kristen Ahlenius
That is true. And I've got the under all day push.


Peter Dunn
Okay, explain it. What is it?


Damian Dunn
Kristen, go for it.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, sure. Don't mind me. So rule 72 T is called that, I believe, because that's where it is in the IRS code.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
Always. So rule 72 T allows you to take funds from a retirement account without paying the 10% penalty. So just for additional context. Normally, if you take dollars from one of these accounts before age 59 and a half, you have to pay any applicable taxes that might exist and you have to pay a 10% penalty because those funds are supposed to be designated for retirement. The rule allows you to take what are called is it substantially equal periodic.


Peter Dunn
Periodic payments.


Kristen Ahlenius
Sepp, it's an acronym. It allows you to take these payments and as long as you take the greater of five years worth or until you reach age 59 and a half. So if you started taking payments at age 50, you'd have to take them until 59 and a half. If you started taking them at 58, you would have to take them until 63.


Peter Dunn
And the point is for you to be able to get qualified money out. Now, and here's what I will say is typically I think this methodology is misused. It is misutilized to force and convince someone they can retire early. So back to the question from the emailer. Is the income withdrawn from the account and does it count toward a form of income to qualify for a mortgage loan? Do you know the answer to that?


Kristen Ahlenius
I admit that I don't know if a lender would allow you to use it because technically that amount can change, right? Because those distributions are calculated annually based on an IRS table. So what if you have a giant drop in the market and you're invested really heavily in equities? I can't imagine a lender would let you use a projection like that to determine if you could qualify for a mortgage. They might allow you to use a percentage of it. I don't know the answer and whether that's consistent among mortgage lenders, I'm not sure.


Peter Dunn
Danny, 59 and a half is a very substantial and significant age for anyone in the financial world. I'm curious as a younger man, a yonker, if you will, I'm literally not joking, 59 and a half. Is that on your radar? Is that the thing or no.


Danny Dunn
I don't think about that age ever. And this is going to sound like a bit and it's not. I think a lot of young people don't expect the world to be around that long.


Peter Dunn
Does sound like a bit. Like a bit. Either that or we're all going to cry for the rest of the show.


Danny Dunn
So I don't think a lot of people my age don't really think about they're I think very short term focused, especially because it's getting harder to buy houses and things like that and people are just trying to figure out what's next, not what's later.


Peter Dunn
Is it hard to I mean, I'm guessing you never even entertain the thought of retirement.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
If I were to say, what is retirement age? Could you come up with a number? Okay.


Kristen Ahlenius
Love it.


Peter Dunn
Dame to the point. Isn't it strange that's been the number that sticks in a lot of people's head, and it's actually currently not associated with any benchmark. It was years ago, but 65 used to be retirement age from a Social Security standpoint, but it kind of isn't now yet. That's probably the most popular answer. If this was Family Feud, 65 is.


Damian Dunn
The number you hear all the time. And you're right, it's just not. It's 67. And Danny, I got really bad news for you. By the time you retire, it's probably going to be 70.


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
Yeah, probably 72 if we're at least 70. So make sure to avoid gluten or whatever, you know what I mean?


Danny Dunn
That's good advice.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
Can we explain why 65 is the number that sticks out to people? It's because that's when most people qualify for Medicare, and it's usually health care that people feel like is the barrier to retirement. And you can qualify for Medicare at age 65. So in my opinion, that's why it's the number that rules, is because health care is so expensive. And by and large, when we talk to people that are 59 to 64, they think that's the thing that's preventing them from retiring, which may or may not be reality.


Damian Dunn
Oh, young person, I disagree.


Peter Dunn
Hold on. I've got it. Dame, hold on before you get there. What we have now is a classic nerd off. We've got one person who's got a master's degree making a point that I even forgot about, and then we've got Dame, who's going to disagree based on age because he's older, she's younger. Dame, where do you disagree with kristen.


Damian Dunn
If you had to ask what age Medicare coverage starts for the average person from age, let's just say 30 to near retirement, I bet most of them wouldn't get 65.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
I bet they wouldn't.


Kristen Ahlenius
Grayson they might not know that. But what we both know to be true is that most of the things we know, by and large, about personal finances are caught and not taught. So I think it's just something people hear repeated to them.


Damian Dunn
I think most people tie Medicare to Social Security, and they just assume that whenever Social Security starts, that's when Medicare is going to start. And they've heard their parents, their aunts, their uncles, grandparents talk about the age of 65 for so long. That's just tied into that's when retirement is 65. That's Social Security. That's just when it starts. It doesn't for them anymore at 67 for virtually everybody listening to this show. But I don't think that's why people think 65 is retirement is Medicare.


Peter Dunn
Kristen Zonda I'm going to go with Ms. Shaw if you're nasty. Do you think that Medicare qualification will be pushed back to 66 and a half or 70 or 72 at some point?


Kristen Ahlenius
Kristen I think that's absolutely a possibility.


Peter Dunn
I don't know. I think it is possible. But okay, here's what's weird. At one point, we're living substantially longer. That's actually sort of dialed back a hair, but I think we're getting less healthy earlier. Would you buy that? So that would mean we have to account for the fact that people live longer, but they're going to be less healthy earlier? I don't know. Let's do this. Let's take a break. Come back with biggest waste of money of the week, danny Dunn, La based comedian sitting on the show this week. All that's next on the Pete planner show. Pete the planner. Caught, not taught. Are you kidding me?


Danny Dunn
Kristen, when you said that, I was like, oh, we got the Johnny Cochran financial planning in the house. She's got a catchphrase. See you later.


Peter Dunn
Is that a thing?


Kristen Ahlenius
Full disclosure, I stole that from Stacey. Stacey told that to me once and I ran with it.


Peter Dunn
Stacey's going be to on the show here sometime soon, right?


Kristen Ahlenius
She doesn't know that, and she just probably freaked out a little bit. But, yeah, ideally, Stacey, you're going to.


Peter Dunn
Be on the show. I mean, if you'd like to surprise, be like a directive talk. I know, I feel like I have heard her say that now, and you've.


Kristen Ahlenius
Probably heard me say it as a result because she has put together pieces that I've done or segments she's looked at or videos she's done. It might have been in the document that I sent last week that you were reviewing. Might have been in there.


Peter Dunn
Danny, you and I actually spend a lot of time talking about the power of words. I mean, you and I talk about it a lot and caught not taught is one of those turns of phrase that it just hits you when you're writing your stand up material and you'll send it to me and we'll talk about it or whatever, and I'll listen to it. When you go to tag it or improve it's the slight word changes, even to the point of some advice you got from a legendary comedian about the sound of words.


Danny Dunn
Yeah, people call them sticky phrases that just like, even if it's right or wrong, it just stays in your brain. An economy of words is so important, but even just the way things sound is so important. This wasn't advice to me, but I think Ray Romano gave a comedian that I know advice about a joke that he had, and he was like, yeah, you got to move this word to the end of the sentence. And then you got to change that last word to a word that has it's filled with more consonants rather than vowels. He's like, your punchline is soft because the word has vowels in it. It needs to be consonants. And I can't remember what the word was, but just a harder sound, a harder delivery. So when you said caught, not taught, it's like, sticky.


Peter Dunn
That is like danny and I do talk a lot about his work and his craft, and my favorite part as a writer myself is like, I love words. I love the right word for the right situation. And I think as a former comedian, when I used to write, it's exhilarating. And by the way, it can also make you absolutely go bonkers because it makes you neurotic. Right? You just keep going and trying to find the right word. And sometimes, Danny, you can't find it.


Danny Dunn
Yeah, but it clarifies things and so much of what you guys talk about, and I'm sure it's maybe simple to you guys, but I would imagine the financial world gets quite complicated and convoluted. At least maybe that's to me, because know stupid. But when you say things like that, it simplifies thoughts, feelings and ideas. And I think stand up, Pete, when we talk is the same way where you're trying to express sometimes complex emotions, not to be highfalutin, but you're trying to express yourself, which can be very difficult, very muddied, very challenging. And when you find the right words that just click into place and clarify an emotion or an idea or a feeling, you can feel it with the words. And I feel like when you have phrases like that in finance, I would imagine it helps just because you can understand something very complex in a very simple, boiled down way.


Peter Dunn
It's magic. Speaking of magic, Danny, I know one of your fondest memories is being able to see world class magician Chris Angel perform. And I'm curious if you're willing to share that memory with us.


Danny Dunn
Do you guys remember who Chris Angel is? Of course.


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
I loved magic growing up. Loved magic. Like in middle school, I loved magic. I had red hair. I rode a unicycle to school, and I would wear a shark tooth necklace a lot. So your carrot top in middle school, these are the Four Horsemen of eating lunch alone. We'll just say, but I loved him so much that my mom took me and my younger sister to go see the Chris Angel magic show. And it was amazing. It was everything you wanted to eat. It's my hero on just it's the best, right? It's like you meeting Gordon Gecko. Right.


Peter Dunn
Yes. Meeting a fictional character is quite a goal.


Danny Dunn
Didn't know that wasn't a real purpose.


Peter Dunn
Santa Claus.


Danny Dunn
It's like meeting your hero, right? And the show is just amazing, and it's kind of winding down. And Chris Angel comes to the front of the station. He goes, Guys, for my last trick, I'm going to throw a card out into the audience. Whoever gets that card, you're my volunteer. For my last trick, right? You guys can kind of see where this is going. He throws the card out into the audience. Guys, I leap for it with I look like the loneliest bridesmaid you've ever seen in your life. I'm just leaping for this card, and I come down with it, and he looks at me, I'm 14 year old boy, and he says something truly I don't think I'd be able to handle now. He goes, hey, man, it's in front of 2000 people. He goes, hey, man, we've already had a couple of guy volunteers for this show.


Danny Dunn
Why don't you find a hot girl and give her that car? Which is crazy to say to a child. I don't know if he's trying to set me up, but I'm 14, right? Like, the idea of admitting that a girl's hot in front of your mom and 2000 people and this magician who looks like Jesus was resurrected in, like, a Spencer's Gifts or something, I'm getting acne in the moment, right? I'm panicking. I don't know what to do. And I feel someone tugging at my chrysanthemum merch shirt, right? And I turn it's my mom. And she's like, no, Daniel, just pass the card to your sister. She's so right? Like, my mom's asked me to find a girl or Chris Angel has asked me to find a girl that, like, sexually attracted to, right? And my mom's like, have you met your sister?


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
Like, sure, we have a lot in common. It's just only our DNA, right? And so I'm panicking. Chris Angel's getting impatient. My mom's like, come on, pass to your sister. And I'm looking at both of them, and they're both wearing the same amount of mascara, so it's very overwhelming, and I didn't know what to do. So I just passed the card to my sister, and we look identical.


Peter Dunn
Exactly alike.


Danny Dunn
I think my mom was cutting both of her hair at the time. It looks like one of the girls from the Parent Trap handed something to the other girl in the parent Trap. Identical people. And Chris Angela goes, I told you to pass that car to a hot girl, right? No, because we're, like, in the front so no one can really see us. And I'm like, yes, because that's what happened. And he goes, So why'd you pass.


Peter Dunn
It to your sister?


Danny Dunn
And then 2000 people in unison went.


Peter Dunn
Like, it was his greatest reveal of.


Danny Dunn
The night, until and I'm just guys, I'm humiliated, right? It's CA it's my hero. And I grabbed the card out of my sister's hands. I'm like, maybe this will save the day. And I pass the card to my mom and guys, let's just say it didn't make the situation that is. That was my run in with Chris Angel, may he rest in peace.


Peter Dunn
Are you still alive?


Danny Dunn
Yeah, but his career no, he's honestly doing well. I had a friend to see him recently, and he's like, he's crushing it. The mind freak is alive and well.


Peter Dunn
Good thing I own Sephora stock, so that is good. Yeah, you're good. So the show is finally funny this week. The show is finally funny. All right, let's go back to the show. This week's biggest waste of money of the week, starting in three, two, one. This week's biggest waste of money of the week, right? Here on the Pizza Planner show is pulling it up for the live stream. The VSSL or vessel flaskin speaker. The perfect view, the perfect beverage and the perfect song. It all comes together with the Vessel Flaskin speaker built with 304 stainless steel double wall dame. Can I have one extra time out?


Damian Dunn
I'll allow it.


Peter Dunn
You're a man. Thanks. 304 stainless steel is a thing that I hear, read, see a lot. Is that something?


Damian Dunn
Yeah, there's different grades of metal, steel specifically. And depending on the hardness, it's a little bit too much to get into, but yes.


Peter Dunn
304 stainless is legit vacuum sealed construction by the Vessel Flask and speaker keeps beverages at the right temperature up to 10 hours cold and 5 hours hot. The five watt removable the five watt removable speakwa bluetooth speaker is good. 5 hours of music and can be linked together with a second unit for stereo sound. The flask also addresses refilling with losing any of the great beverage. The drinking cap unscrews for filling without a funnel along with a locking carabiner top for secure carrying. All right, so let's let Danny, as the guest co host of the show, the guest of the show this week, do you want to be 1st, 2nd or third to guess the cost?


Danny Dunn
It's a speaker but also a water bottle.


Peter Dunn
Yes. And can I note that it holds eight fluid ounces so it keeps eight fluid ounces. That sounds cold for 10 hours because that's a lot of liquid to take down in that much time. You got to keep it. It's 5 hours of sound, 10 hours of cold for 8oz. How much would you pay wait, are you going first? How much are you paying for this?


Danny Dunn
This seems gross. I don't want music that close to my mouth. Yeah, I'm going to guess it costs I don't know if you guys take things that are crazy expensive on this segment.


Peter Dunn
Oh, yeah, absolutely.


Danny Dunn
I'm going to guess it costs $225.


Peter Dunn
Okay, $225. Got them on the board. Kristen, the world's worst guesser at all things obam. What do you got? That's a dollar 3131. Hundred and 30. We got 225, 130 and Mr. Circumnavigate the right price himself, Damien Andrew done. No relation. What do you got?


Damian Dunn
I'm afraid that Danny's got an edge on this since he's coastal. I mean, he's used to overpaying for stuff. So this might because I hate my gas.


Peter Dunn
Got gas dysmorphia.


Danny Dunn
Oh, God, I hate it.


Damian Dunn
He was 225. Kristen was 130 something. I'll try and go somewhere in the middle. We'll say 175.


Peter Dunn
It costs 150 American dollars. Kristen wins prices right in a row. It's a waste of money at any price because 8oz to keep 8oz warm for 5 hours while you're listening to 5 hours of music like the math break down immediately. No waste of money.


Kristen Ahlenius
It's not for water.


Danny Dunn
What song would you most want to drink?


Peter Dunn
Tennessee Whiskey by Chris.


Danny Dunn
There we go.


Peter Dunn
Dane, what's in the news this week?


Damian Dunn
The Federal Reserve held interest rates steady in a decision released Wednesday, while also indicating it still expects one more hike before the end of the year and fewer cuts than previously indicated next year. That final increase, if realized, would do it for this cycle, according to projections the central bank released at the end of its two day meeting. If the Fed goes ahead with the move, it would make a full dozen hikes since the policy tightening began in March of 2022. There's some other stuff, blah, blah. But Pete, do you know what this means?


Peter Dunn
It means I was wrong last week and you were right and I owe you lunch.


Damian Dunn
That's indeed what it means. That's the only reason I read this story was I could get public confirmation that I have a delicious lunch headed my way.


Peter Dunn
Okay, danny, you're a very smart guy. Don't say you're not. Do you keep up on current events outside of maybe pop culture stuff, but just sort of like general news and economy news? Do you keep up with that?


Danny Dunn
You're a very smart guy.


Peter Dunn
Do you listen to the news other.


Danny Dunn
Than your dumb little shows and stuff?


Peter Dunn
Do you listen to the news? Do you read things other than People magazine?


Danny Dunn
Dan, first of all, shout out People magazine. Love who Wore It Best?


Peter Dunn
They're not going to do a feature on you. Go ahead, keep going.


Danny Dunn
Yeah, I would say I keep up with current events.


Peter Dunn
Okay. Rate hikes and their impact on your life. And again, I promise you I'm not trying to you're an everyman taller than some. Do you think about that? Do you care?


Danny Dunn
Rate hikes? Yeah, I don't know.


Peter Dunn
Okay, fine. Great. I will say, Dame, I read in that same story that you read that there's belief amongst the Fed they're going to keep rates high until 2026. That blew my mind. First of all, I was upset. I lost the bet because I don't like to lose. But the second thing is 2026. You're telling me our economy is going to be in a similar state for the next two and a half years?


Damian Dunn
I might have heard somebody predict that mortgage rates would hit 10% next year.


Peter Dunn
My variable rate mortgage, were they carrying around a vessel? Speaker Flask. Flask and speaker, what else is in the news this week?


Damian Dunn
This week, Cisco bought cybersecurity firm Splunk for $28 billion. The all cash deal, worth 13% of Cisco's market cap, is by far the largest in company's history. Splunk, which helps businesses monitor their data and avoid hacks as the Cisco's growing ambitions in cybersecurity as the public cloud corrodes its traditional computer networking business. That's all well and good, but I mentioned this for a very specific reason. The day before the acquisition was announced, someone opened $22,000 worth of Splunk calls expiring 48 hours later.


Peter Dunn
Was it a congressman?


Damian Dunn
The acquisition then announced it was then announced sending the stock price of Splunk up 20%. The options contracts were four cents per contract on the day they were purchased. After the acquisition was announced, they went to $18.30.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh my.


Damian Dunn
That individual exited with a tidy 45,650% return. Just your casual $10 million day. Pete, is the SEC on that person's doorstep today or next week?


Peter Dunn
I had a serious question there. I assume this is a member of Congress.


Damian Dunn
I have no idea if it was unnamed.


Peter Dunn
So Danny, you've heard the popular phrase insider trading?


Danny Dunn


Peter Dunn
And so this is what I in my opinion would deem a perfect example. Kristen is taking non public information like a major event, trading on it and then capitalizing. Kristen, they're in trouble, right?


Kristen Ahlenius
I would hope so.


Peter Dunn
Danny, you're young, fun and seem like you've got some energy. The whole GameStop, stock thing and Robinhood, did you ever get caught up in all of that as a.


Danny Dunn
I'm a I like to think I'm a smart person but when it comes to financial topics and numbers it is like my brain shuts off.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, really?


Danny Dunn
So I do my best but sometimes it does feel like a foreign language.


Peter Dunn
But you're also, I mean I think you make good financial decisions as someone who advises you from time to time.


Danny Dunn
It's got to be simple though straightforward.


Peter Dunn
You're just conservative. I mean you just are conservative.


Danny Dunn
My parents are both incredibly conservative spenders, or I would say my father is a very conservative spender. I can't tell him that I've bought anything without him being, hey, you should be saving your money. So that's my default is I won't spend money on anything unless the thing I currently own is on fire.


Peter Dunn
If I gave you insider information, would you?


Danny Dunn
Let me ask you guys this, when people do that seems even for a financial dummy like me seems so obvious that you're going to get caught doing that.


Peter Dunn


Danny Dunn
So why would someone do something like that and think if it is inside trading, why would someone think they could.


Peter Dunn
Get away with mean I think it's just smart people assume they won't get caught for dumb crimes and it's such a dumb crime and so they just for some reason think they're smarter. I mean Kristen, can you think of a different reason than that?


Kristen Ahlenius
I can't think of a different reason than that because you're exactly right, it seems so obvious. So why and I've never been in that situation so I don't know.


Peter Dunn
Dame, could you just somehow try to keep an ear and eye to the ground for the conclusion of that story because I would love to know it. We've made some pretty wild guesses over the years as to that but Danny Dunn, thank you for guest appearance here on the show. People can find your comedy where you.


Danny Dunn
Can find it on Instagram under danny Dunn is my boyfriend. You're welcome. There's a bunch of clips on there. And then I think there's a bunch of stuff on YouTube as well under the same name. Danny Dunn is my boyfriend.


Peter Dunn
Thank you. That's all we have time for this week. Sending good vibes. Because good vibes are all this in the budget? I'm Pete the planner. This is the Pete the Planner show. Danny Dunn, ladies and gentlemen. Your boy. You know what, Danny? This is a great guest appearance. This was great, guys.


Danny Dunn
I had a blast. Thanks for having me.


Peter Dunn
David even says it was a super funny show and he's really high standard. David is withholding yeah. Great. All right, well, this is it. We did oh, I do want to share something. I'm going to go full screen me. Sorry, podcast listeners. Our marketing team put these together for a slightly different purpose. It's the good vibes are all that's in the budget coffee mug. And I'm pretty excited about these. They're not for you. Okay, what I wanted to say is, here's what's dumb. You appreciate this, but you're never going to actually have it, and I'm going to give it to people who won't appreciate it, and they will have rethinking.


Damian Dunn
Are you rethinking this announcement at this point? Because it's basically just a big thumb of the nose to I don't know.


Peter Dunn
Here's the thing about merch. Dan, do you have merch?


Danny Dunn
I do not have merch.


Peter Dunn
Is that like a thing in comedy?


Danny Dunn
People do have merch in comedy, yes.


Peter Dunn
What threshold do you get a key drive filled with your bits?


Danny Dunn
People sometimes get merch very early before they should get merch.


Peter Dunn
That's embarrassing.


Danny Dunn
And it's very embarrassing.


Damian Dunn
Stand at your table by yourself.


Danny Dunn
I played football at IU, and a guy left early to go to the NFL draft and immediately got all this merch. Got a logo, got a chain with the logo, got all the merch and put up the merch on his website, then fell in the draft and then didn't really stay that long. And I remember our coach being like, I feel like it's a little early for merch. And I see comedians who are like, open mic comedians who are like, Buy my Koozies. And it's like, I don't think I.


Peter Dunn
Will too early on the merch. We used to have coffee tumblr merch on the site back in the I woke up and made this coffee at home, and Pete the Planner thinks I'm a financial genius. Coffee tumbler.


Danny Dunn
That's cool.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. And then they sold out. They really did.


Danny Dunn
I could see your fans buying a lot of merch. If you don't want to sell the coffee cups, you could give them to people. We could do that or participate in certain things. I think people would enjoy that.


Peter Dunn
We could do that here's. My problem with something like this is this thing is a son of a gun to ship. You know what got to it's expensive to ship. It's very likely to break because it's made of asbestos. I believe it's. Actually, we had it made of asbestos, so that holds the hand better. All right, that's it. I have a job and I'm going to go do it. Kristen, any plans this weekend?


Kristen Ahlenius
Nothing exciting, really.


Peter Dunn
No dame cross country.


Damian Dunn
That's it.


Peter Dunn
I am going to Cincinnati to watch an eleven year old boy play soccer against boys from Ohio. Because the Indiana boys are no boys. Yeah.


Damian Dunn
No boys.


Peter Dunn
No boys here. And Danny, you are officiating a wedding.


Danny Dunn
Officiating a wedding. Not Jared Goldstein's bar mitzvah, which, again, is down the hall.


Peter Dunn
Yes. Solid joke. Let me know how that goes. Remember, the wedding is about who Danny.


Danny Dunn
It's about the couple.


Peter Dunn
Thank you. All right. Thank you. Everybody stay getting money. Bye.