January 21, 2023

Hills we're willing to die on & boy that escalated quickly

Today we draw a line in the sand. Well, three lines in the sand. What (personal finance) hills are we willing to die on?

Episode Transcript

Peter Dunn
We're back. Oh, yes. The US has hit the debt ceiling and we still have the funding to be on air for now. By we, I mean Kristen Ahlenius, the queen of oat milk, and Damian Dunn, the king of bison. Hello, everyone.


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Is there anything worse than a bad don't?


Kristen Ahlenius
I was just trying to figure out if Dave's intro was some play on Words, so my brain was just, yeah, I get it now, but I was singing, like, song lyric something.


Peter Dunn
Hello. Andy on Facebook live dame. I've told you this before. Good morning, Rick Swink. Good to be with you. Facebook Live dame. I've told this story for you before. I was speaking once and I was brought up to the stage with, ladies and gentlemen, the next Susie Orman, Pete the Planner. And I walked I'm not going to publicly even now, I'm not going to make comments on that, but that's a weird intro.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, it's weird.


Peter Dunn
So something weird happened to me yesterday afternoon. I'm having a very man so many people here today. Rochelle. Jason. Daniel danza. Hello. I was having a lovely moment with my 13 year old daughter, and she was, like, talking like a human.


Damian Dunn
It was lovely.


Peter Dunn
It was wonderful. It's like, wow, this person is not a gargoyle. And we're talking, we're having a good time. She's like, dad, I want to show you some self defense moves. I was like, okay, yeah, I mean, whatever. Thank you, TikTok or whatever. So I stand up in the living room and she just roundhouse kicks me in the stomach. And I'm just standing there. I'm just standing there. And I was like, Ali, that's not self defense. That's self offense. I didn't do anything to you. You've committed a crime. And she's like, no, well, watch this. And then she punches me in the sternum, and I was like, I'm not attacking you. This is offense. And so that was my evening getting attacked by a 13 year old. That was showing me how she'd defend herself against someone not attacking her.


Kristen Ahlenius
Did she hit you pretty good?


Peter Dunn
Yeah, it hurt. She's strong.


Damian Dunn
She's a little gymnast. She's going to pack a little bit of a punch there.


Peter Dunn
Jeremy, pilot jeremy, hello. Damn. Didn't we have a pilot Jeremy question were going to ask yeah, I.


Damian Dunn
Can'T remember what in the world it was.


Peter Dunn
It was very specific about something a pilot would know or do if he's caught up.


Damian Dunn
Was it on air or was it was while were recording, wasn't it?


Peter Dunn
I don't know. I feel like it was in preparation for something else, but I don't know. Anyway, sorry. Jeremy, if you're at 37,000ft right now, just put us on the speaker for the entire plane to listen. Is that a thing? Could you do that?


Kristen Ahlenius
Force people to listen to the show?


Peter Dunn
Oh, my gosh. Hey, lady in seven B, quit using the armrest. It's the other fellas. Just start calling people out. Oh, my gosh. Oh, that'd be wild. Yeah, that'd be more like a Southwest thing, though, where they're doing bits. They're working on their bits.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, those are funny.


Peter Dunn
Okay, Jeremy notes that he could do that once. All right, so today fun little who came up with today's sort of theme, by the way?


Damian Dunn
Kristen, who do you think?


Peter Dunn
I know Kristen's the only one that actually put the work into this.


Kristen Ahlenius
Can I? You know why that is? Is it because if not, we have to come up with something on the fly, and that makes me want to be sick.


Peter Dunn
No, I'm comfortable with either. Right. Whatever. It's fine. Okay, so look, it's a defense mechanism, a little self defense, if you will. It's the roundhouse kick to my chest. We are going to do. Each of us are going to pick the personal finance hill. We are willing to die on a take that is so set in stone that we cannot be convinced otherwise. I will note these are real. I'll note mine is real. I mean, Kristen, how real is yours going to be?


Kristen Ahlenius
Mine is very real dame.


Peter Dunn
I know what yours is, and I know you and I talk about it all the time. How real is yours? Okay, here's the thing. I like to be very open minded, especially about personal finance, because I think what the three of us have learned in our dozens of years of experience collectively is that there's more than one way to do it. There just simply is more than one way to do it. So if I say it is this way, the reality is it's also another way. What we're saying today is with these three topics, it is our way or the highway. And the highway is not Tom Cochrane's, is it? Tom Cochrane? What's the guy's name? Life is a highway. Yeah. Now, Tom Cochrane was a news anchor india. Tom Waits? No, no, this just went off the air.


Kristen Ahlenius
Like the song that Rascal Flats covered for the movie.


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Life is a how.


Damian Dunn
That's the one.


Kristen Ahlenius
I don't remember who originally sang Tom Petty?


Peter Dunn
No. God. Get out of here.


Kristen Ahlenius
I didn't say that. Danza did. I don't know who sings it.


Peter Dunn
Why is Rascal Flats getting the tom? Cochrane I was right. Yeah, you're right. Joe Cocker.


Kristen Ahlenius
I don't know who that is, either.


Peter Dunn
Sarah, come on. Come on.


Damian Dunn
People might have done that song as sure.


Peter Dunn
Okay. What are we doing? You want to start the show?


Damian Dunn
Thought were. I was just waiting for the music to fade in, and were just going to let Life as a highway play, and were all going to go take a cigarette break.


Peter Dunn
I don't know. I still don't know if you're allowed to play songs on podcasts without paying for the rights to them. You know what I'm saying?


Damian Dunn
Yeah, because I'd love to have a few different songs. It'd be amazing.


Peter Dunn
I did wear a special hoodie sweatshirt today that I'd like to share with the video audience. It's a teal blue sweatshirt with a stitched puffin on it. And you're a I like it. I like it. My kids hate it. I put it on and Ted was just shook his head. He was like, this is not going to work. I'm like, what do you care? You're in fifth grade.


Damian Dunn
Did you buy that at a major retail store?


Peter Dunn
Not major, but yeah, minor major.


Damian Dunn
I was just curious if I missed a big puffin trend I don't know that swept the country.


Peter Dunn
All right, let's do something here. I need to do timekeeping.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, I don't need my calculator.


Peter Dunn
I was going to make a news announcement, but I don't know if anyone cares, but I kind of need to make it because if I don't make this announcement, then I don't have the level of pressure I need on myself.


Damian Dunn
Does it need to be now or on the actual show?


Peter Dunn
No, I think this is the better outlet for it. I don't know if the here's the thing. Our podcast audience and live stream audience is A, much more engaged than our radio audience and B, I just have a better sense of who the people are who are on the podcast. This is weird. I feel much closer to our podcast listeners and our live stream listeners than I do the radio listeners. And maybe that makes me a bad broadcaster, but it is what it is. So here is the announcement that is very self serving and arguably egotistical. I'm working on another book project. So book number twelve for me. I swore after book number eleven I would never write a book again. And so there it is. I'm writing another book. It is not about personal finance, though. It is about a murder mystery involving a family from no, I'm just kidding.


Peter Dunn
It's sort of about personal finance and.


Damian Dunn
Everyone listening right now gets a free copy.


Peter Dunn
I'm not giving away seven copies. Okay, here we go. This week on the Pete the Planner Show, we're actually not answering your money questions this week. This week on the Pizza Planner Show, we're actually not answering your money questions this week. Here's what we're doing. Normally we answer your money questions. Askpete@petetheplanner.com that's. Hey, email us at askpete@petetheplanner.com and then we'll read them. Hey, email us at askped@peteeplanner.com and then we'll read them. And then we'll be like, yeah, you know what, we're going to help you with personal finances without judging you. We're going to try to take into account what's going on in your life. We're not going to say, call us on Monday and we'll sell you things. We're just going to have two really highly intelligent people and me discuss your problem and give you a good solution. That being said, we're not doing that today.


Peter Dunn
Instead, myself and my two co hosts, we are going to tell you the one area of personal finance each like, where it's choosing one the hill. We're willing to die on what is a take that we have about personal finance that we can't possibly see the other side of it. Because in personal finance, as you would hope, it's not binary, it is not this or that. It is all over the place. And what we're saying today is there is only one way and it is our way on three specific topics. Enough of me. Kristen Elaineus, Director of education, is one of said co hosts who is very intelligent. Hello, Kristen.


Kristen Ahlenius
Hello, Pete.


Peter Dunn
And he is the vice president of advice at Your Money Line. And he is the vice president of advice at Your Moneyland. Hello, Dave.


Damian Dunn
Good day.


Peter Dunn
Pete surname is last name, right?


Damian Dunn
I believe so.


Peter Dunn
I always feel like that's one of those things. I just like I'm destined to misuse.


Damian Dunn
Keep trying.


Peter Dunn
Okay, did we decide who's going first here?


Damian Dunn
You said Kristen originally and then you him hawed back and forth that maybe it should be one of us.


Peter Dunn
Okay, let's do this. Kristen. We're going. Kristen So, Kristen, this is a take that you can't possibly see another way to do it than the way you think. Okay, so set us up.


Kristen Ahlenius
I'm a little nervous because I feel like there could be a lot of disagreement here. But just because something is expensive and that's objectively does not make it an investment.


Peter Dunn
Just because something is expensive doesn't make it an investment. Now, is there a hedge here that there are things that are expensive that happen to be investment?


Kristen Ahlenius
Of course. It's just that and maybe my millennial is showing here, but on social media, influencers or the influenced tend to make statements like, I bought this and yeah, it was really expensive, but it's an investment. My walking pad that I use under my desk that Damian didn't know I had until yesterday, it was a little expensive, but it doesn't make it an I we talked about. My walking pad that I use under my desk that Damien didn't know I had until yesterday, it was a little expensive, but it doesn't make it an I we talked about. I'm doing invisalign it's expensive, but that doesn't make it an investment. It's an investment in your smile or whatever. I just don't agree with those sentiments.


Peter Dunn
Okay. I've got so many things here. First of all, I do think this is a thing, and this is the thing that's been around for a little while. An example that I would have is an engagement ring that I would love to discuss, but I must start with Kristen. What's a walking pad? What's a walking pad? Are we just going to blow by, yeah, I bought an expensive walking pad and everyone in the world is huh? What's a walking pad? What's a walking pad?


Kristen Ahlenius
So it's just a little treadmill, but they're not made for high impact or high speeds or anything. They're meant to be used low and slow and they're really low profile. And mine fits under my desk, so I have a sit stand desk, so if I don't have a meeting or something and I'm working on video editing, for example, I walk on my walking pad at my house.


Damian Dunn
She covers a ridiculous amount of ground every day.


Kristen Ahlenius
I cover no ground compared to other people. I follow this girl on TikTok who walks a half marathon a day, like on a regular basis.


Peter Dunn
Dame what's an example of something that you hear that is justified as an investment because it's expensive and the person feels bad about buying it, but it is in no way an investment.


Damian Dunn
Jewelry in general, I mean, not just engagement rings, but luxury watches, luxury brand watches, very nice sets of diamonds or whatever they may be outside of engagement rings, but jewelry, a lot of cars, even just general transportation. It's an investment. No, it's not. Even if you're buying a classic, maybe it'll go up in value. Might not. Those are probably the two biggest what.


Peter Dunn
Words are people looking for when they say investment, Kristen? Are they just saying this is a strategic purchase, but it doesn't make it an investment? Like, your invisalign is really actually an interesting example because I almost disagree with you about oh, I think it's a strategic it's at least a strategic investment. I mean, Damon and I are bald men. Like, if we got two pays or something, that is a strategic investment in Swag.


Kristen Ahlenius
I do think I think you can use the word investment, but I think that the way that it's used to justify the purchase doesn't necessarily work. Is it an investment? Is my invisalign an investment in my self confidence? Of course it is, but that doesn't justify its expense by just saying, like, oh, it's an know I don't know what other word you would use.


Peter Dunn
I speaking of confidence, an investment in your confidence. And this is way off track, but I just need to make a note. I read an article in the Harvard Business Review this morning and that does seem like I'm just name dropping, but it's free about not telling women to have more confidence in the workplace. And I had to really check myself. Like, have I ever told a coworker to have confidence? Anyway, interesting, you mentioned confidence and you were a lady, so I just wanted to acknowledge that I myself am not going to tell you to get an invisalign to improve your confidence.


Damian Dunn
Is that the new you should smile more? Is that the new one?


Peter Dunn
What if I went up to one of our female colleagues and I was like, you know, I was thinking about how you should smile more and it should start with invisalign. Can you imagine that's? Like a double whammy.


Damian Dunn
Does invisalign count for HSA deduction? Yeah, there you go.


Kristen Ahlenius
As someone who has a I call it J cutler face, I have a Jay cutler face. I cannot stand that. I cannot stand that. Like this is just my face. Leave it alone.


Peter Dunn
I want to point something out. I always view an investment as something that you're willing to sell and so like an engagement ring to me is not an investment because you're not going to be like, okay, honey, I do want to stay married but can you pull that off your hand? I need to go sell it. Prices are looking good. So that's not an investment. Someone mentioned here the idea of a primary residence. Now, I agree. For most people it is not an investment. For some people we have a dear friend and colleague who will move at the drop of a hat. Right. For that person, I think she would view it as an investment and be able to do it. I wouldn't because I don't want to move. Right.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah. Is maybe the line to draw in a lot of cases if it's something you're using regularly, I don't think it's an investment.


Peter Dunn
Oh, that's interesting. Right. Because it is a strategic purchase. Maybe this is one of those LSAT things. An investment can be a strategic purchase but not every strategic purchase is an investment.


Kristen Ahlenius
Investment could be.


Peter Dunn
Did I just get into law school?


Damian Dunn
I think so. Congratulations.


Peter Dunn
Andy just hit us over the head with a minute left. What about an education, kristen, is an education an investment? Whole segment. We're going to lose clients on this. Have at it.


Kristen Ahlenius
No. Don't put me in this position because the answer is sometimes boy, way to.


Peter Dunn
Put your flag in the ground there, dame is education and investment. It's got to be. Yeah.


Damian Dunn
It absolutely can be. Now, whether or not that investment pays off is another story. So absolutely an investment in yourself. But you may have a really poor return on investment.


Peter Dunn
Damon slack this morning to me you had a really hot take about how much you spend on a school versus the type of school you go to. I'm surprised that's not your hot take. That's my hill.


Damian Dunn
Thank you for ruining it.


Peter Dunn
Oh. Coming up after the break more. I thought it was no. Oh. Anyway come up the break. Dame's hill to die on. I messed it up. I'm Pete the planner. Wait, I thought you were doing I.


Kristen Ahlenius
Wondered how you thought that your hot takes were going to overlap each other but I just let it go.


Peter Dunn
Have you guys ever realized that I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't remember anything. It's dry. January too. So my liver is just like out there just filtering stuff. I read this whole article on what a liver really does and my liver right now, it's like a swiss army knife. It's got a lot of purposes. Even the little tweezers peak liver right.


Damian Dunn
Now for Pete, what do you think.


Peter Dunn
The most useless swiss army knife classic tool is? I got to go with the off white toothpick.


Damian Dunn
I'd probably go with the Tweezers, actually. They're too flexible. There's just not enough grip there.


Peter Dunn
It said, like a real man, just.


Damian Dunn
Use the knife and cut it out.


Peter Dunn
Oh, my God. What's wrong with you? It's a bee sting. Like, we're not trying to kill a ten year old. We're just, like, trying to get the stinger out. Uncle Dame says we're going to cut off your toe. That's exactly what's the no, that's what he said. What's the most useless Swiss Army knife.


Kristen Ahlenius
Tool, Kristen, is leatherman. A brand of Swiss Army knife. So if I'm thinking of a leatherman, am I thinking of the same thing or no?


Peter Dunn
Yeah, we can go with it. We'll go with it.


Damian Dunn
That's much more robust.


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, the blade is so small. What are you using that for?


Peter Dunn
This is a knife. Crocodile. Dame d back again. Rick Swink says the hook is actually, I'm going to disagree and show my man card here for a second, which doesn't involve me standing up. Don't worry. I used to bird hunt, and I'm wearing a puff and hoodie sweatshirt right now, and so I don't want to feel like I have a complicated relationship with Fowl, but I used to bird hunt, and there was a knife that I would go bird hunting with. Because when you would then dress the game, which is a much classier name for what were you really doing to the thing? There was a hook. And sometimes you would actually use the hook on the knife to assist you with that. Or you could just manhandle it. This got really violent.


Damian Dunn
It's a circle of life, Pete. It's okay.


Peter Dunn
I know. I feel bad about it now.


Damian Dunn
Shouldn't feel bad about any of that.


Peter Dunn
Oh, there's an argument going on in the Facebook Live. Jason and Rick may have, like, a dance battle. Jason says he uses the hook to open cans. Oh, this is so great. Anyway, isn't this a personal finance show? Dame, let's get into your segment. Here your segment. Okay. How long do you think this show goes on before it's canceled? Quit? Before it's canceled from the syndication people.


Damian Dunn
Oh, wait, you mean what do you think, the radio show side or the.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, like the radio network. Are they like, yeah, we're done, or do you think we're going to peter out?


Damian Dunn
US? They'll cancel us first.


Peter Dunn
I don't know. Kristen, what do you think?


Kristen Ahlenius
I don't know.


Peter Dunn
I don't mean culture. I mean, like, business.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, the show's been around a long time. I feel like it would be us, maybe, but maybe oh, yeah, this doesn't go on the air. Yeah, I feel like it would probably be us.


Peter Dunn
I bet I'll die, and then you guys will be like, we don't have the equipment. You know what I mean? I think that's how it happens. One Monday, you come in and there's a slack, like, no, dude, he got bit by a snake. He's dead. And you'll be like, Well, I don't know the StreamYard password.


Damian Dunn
Do you ever see the numbers? How we compare against other shows in the market, indie?


Peter Dunn
Well, first off, it's a really interesting question. So here's what I learned. You guys want to learn something today?


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Be a first. So growing up in reading media, you always read about numbers and ratings. And as a 25 year Howard Stern listener forever, all he ever talked to is about ratings and being number one. And still, a lot of the drivetime people talk about ratings, and those books do come out. They're called books, which are just the rating for weekend shows, which is what we are. No one spends a lick of time seeing how anything's rated, because a lot of times on the weekends, the shows you're listening to are purchased by the hosts or the companies, and then they just put whatever they want. So the stations don't care what they're rated. However, there are shows like ours of which we don't pay for. They were part of the network, if you will, but they still don't look at our ratings. And so I used to ask all the time, dame, back in the early days of 1430, news Talk, 1430 WX and T all the time, they'd be like, that's not how it works.


Peter Dunn
So I don't know our ratings. And also, to Kristen's point, I wouldn't look, because who really cares?


Damian Dunn
Essentially, as long as the station can sell ads for our show, they love us.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. And I feel like we got into this weird period in which we seemed highly critical of types of companies that also happen to advertise during our show, different types of financial advice or different products or this or that. And then I found myself going, I still want to do the show. Maybe we should back off criticizing these people that actually pay for our show. You know what I'm saying?


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Anywho, I do have to tell you something, though. Do you want to hear something? Back when I used to do a lot of television, I don't anymore. It's the hair loss. There was this thing where one day I'm not naming names. I'm not even naming stations. I was highly critical of car dealerships, right? So I did my thing, which no one cared about. I went to my office, get a call from the general manager of the television station, like Pete, and I was like, hello, person's name? Can I use their name? And they were like, do you understand how people are paid around here? And I was like, bi weekly. I didn't say, and I was like, what are we doing? What are we doing? He's like, Our number one sponsor are car dealerships. You cannot under any circumstances be critical of car dealers in any way, shape, or form.


Peter Dunn
And I was like, okay. So that was my first glimpse into local news of like, the wall between the sales and the newsroom isn't as tall as you think this was in the early 2000s, which I just tipped my hand there. And by the way, that wall has come down lower and lower and lower.


Damian Dunn
Did the hosts try to shut you down or get you off of that rant?


Peter Dunn
They looked awkward, but I thought they just had chili the night before and they're a bean. Yeah. Kristen our colleague Molly loves chili. I love mean, we're talking two, three times a week. She's just hitting that chili. And she thinks that my insistence on pointing this out and now publicly on the air without her knowledge is because I'm anti soup. And she thinks that my thing of, like, man, you eat a lot of chili. She thinks it's part of this anti soup movement that I'm a part of.


Kristen Ahlenius
I wouldn't have called it that. I would think that you would say that it's like, well, maybe this is calling you out a little bit, that it's not, like, put together enough. You tend to put together it's getting real. You tend to put together fancier meals, and you can throw all your chili ingredients in a crock pot and just let it sit there.


Peter Dunn
I like a good homestown. I don't like the idea it might be anti soup because soup is just throwing your stuff in water and being like, yeah, let's eat it now.


Damian Dunn
I will let the public know that I have sat across from this man in and out, enjoying burgers and so he doesn't have to have fancy food.


Kristen Ahlenius
When he makes it.


Peter Dunn
I do like making more sophisticated food.


Damian Dunn
He can play on the common man level when he has to.


Peter Dunn
No, jeremy and I'm not answering that publicly, but the answer is no. Okay, let's do a thing. Oh, I forgot to write down okay. Oh, boy. Let's start the segment. Dame, this is on you. Three, two, one. Back on the Pete the Planner show, it's the Hill we will die on episode. Well, each one of us will identify one personal finance opinion that we just can't simply see another way. Kristen's was that just because something's expensive doesn't mean it's an investment. In other words, people misuse the justification that something's an investment way too often. Dame I tipped my hand as to what his was prior to the break. We'll call it a tease. I could also call it a mistake. Dame what is the hill that you are willing to die on? What personal finance hill are you willing to die on?


Damian Dunn
I'm going to say this twice because it's a little long and you might take a second to get your head around it, but the cost of college has as much, if not more, impact on your long term financial success as does the school you pick.


Peter Dunn
Could you say it again? Because it's complex.


Damian Dunn
I think I will. The cost of the college has as much, if not more impact on your long term financial success as does the school you pick.


Peter Dunn
Is that an absolute for you?


Damian Dunn
I would be willing to hedge in maybe a couple scenarios, but for the vast majority of people, the cost far outweighs the name of the school that's on the diploma.


Peter Dunn
All right, paint the picture. Talk about the direct impact. What are we talking about here?


Damian Dunn
Everybody knows cost of school is going up and up and really doesn't seem to be slowing down. What you end up with is graduating with a higher amount of debt. Likely graduating with a higher amount of debt after four, five, six, however many years it takes to get that bachelor's degree, it's variable that loan payment could hinder you from making substantial progress in your financial life early. That will pay big benefits down the road. So you're tying up money in debt payments that could otherwise been going towards something else. Now, does the name on that diploma open additional doors for you? Maybe not. If it's just a general sort of degree, I don't think anybody's going to care whether you've got a big private school name on there or a state school name in most cases. So the cost, the debt that you are going to be saddled with is likely going to have a much bigger impact than whatever doors that diploma may possibly open for you.


Peter Dunn
Kristen I got to think the exception here is a top tier school for a top tier student that knows their path. Because for those folks, it matters for people that have no idea what they want to do. And they go from a low tier school to a kind of fine school like that. I don't know if that difference, but those people are also not getting into Ivy League schools. Do you agree with that?


Kristen Ahlenius
I think that maybe we're this maybe I'm just kind of saying what you're saying, but in a little bit different way.


Peter Dunn
In a better way?


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, no, I want to make sure we're on the same page. But I think if you have additional school on this path that you're on, I do think the name that's on that first diploma matters. And I think where you fall within that graduating class absolutely matters. Because, for example, if you go to an Ivy League school, we'll use a big extreme. You go to an Ivy League school and you're ranked at the bottom versus if you go to a school that's not ranked and you're all the way at the top, you might be the best performer at a school. That doesn't rank as high. And you might have spent a lot less money to earn that degree. And you might be just as competitive when you apply to grad school. Is that making any sense?


Peter Dunn
It is. I think I might disagree, though, because maybe I disagree because someone applies to a. Job. We'll just use Harvard because we brought it up earlier in the show from Harvard, or someone is at Purdue, and it's in the non engineering role. Okay, kristen, don't look shocked. I'm going Harvard to Purdue. Purdue is the Harvard of West Lafayette. But that's it. Okay. So I would likely, as someone who's hired a lot of people, I would likely give the Harvard person more credit because I would have no idea where they graduated in their class.


Kristen Ahlenius
You wouldn't ask.


Peter Dunn
I've literally never asked that question.


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, if the degree is directly applicable to what you do, I mean, I've had applications that have asked me for my GPA, for my core curriculum, and that would give you I'm going to put it on there.


Peter Dunn
Well, first of all, I think I was probably last in my college class, so maybe this is why my take is this way. But, Dame, this is your point. You hire people all the time. Do you not look at where they go to school?


Damian Dunn
I look at where they go to school. I'm most interested in what they studied than what their numbers that come along with them. But this is the hill I will die on. I would much rather.


Peter Dunn
Was Krav MAGA was going to be the hill you were going to die on.


Damian Dunn
It has nothing to do with your finances. But if Ali wants some private lessons, I'm happy to come by and teach fair. Do excellent students and excellent educations come out of high end schools? Yes, absolutely. But you probably don't need to settle for the average person. They probably don't need to saddle themselves with that debt when a more affordable alternative will help them get there. Once you graduate and you get that first job, you'll really impress people with motivation and work ethic and attention to detail, and that can't be taught at an Ivy League school.


Peter Dunn
All right, I thought this is a great topic. I could actually talk about this for three segments. Dame, kudos to you. And Kristen, don't read into that because I didn't say that about your segment. That's fine. So, first of all, before I go on a different point, can you answer the question? Have you ever asked anyone where they graduated in their class or asked for their.


Kristen Ahlenius
I know that's not true because I would not have been hired here.


Peter Dunn
Wait, there's no way Dame asked you that's.


Kristen Ahlenius
What? No, no, I'm sorry. I misspoke. I know that is true. There's no way he's asked people because I would not have a job.


Peter Dunn
Oh, stop. So, Dame, I'm going to go back to the point I made a few minutes ago because I think it might be true. The exception I think you're right. If it's like a community college versus a state university, I think you're right. I think where it falls apart is the elite schools make this not true.


Damian Dunn
If you want to have an education, degree if you want to be a teacher?


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
Is your degree from Ball State more valuable? Is your degree from Butler more valuable than your degree from Ball State if you were going to go teacher in a public school?


Peter Dunn
Okay, so you are right. And Jason on Facebook Live just made the exact same point right after you is that it depends on your career path. My brain was on people we hire. My brain was on business. But you're 1000% right. It is definitely. I would hire a teacher from Ball State. I mean, that's your point. And you're right.


Damian Dunn
Butler's a fantastic institution, don't get me wrong, but there is a drastic difference in prices.


Kristen Ahlenius
So is the argument just really that the ROI has to be there? If you're going to have the more expensive degree, you have to make sure the return is there on your investment. It has to be a career path that matter that would care more than what we've said we would care here, or that you might be pursuing additional education and getting into grad school that carries more weight than maybe going into the workforce.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
What's your career what's your career path and what's the ROI going to be on it? There's very specific degrees and careers that you want to go to certain schools because you'll more likely get recruited out of schools like that into a better job, a higher paying job. And that makes sense. But there are a number of degrees and careers that you don't have to spend nearly as much as you probably think you do in order to get the desired outcome.


Peter Dunn
Fascinating. Good job. Dame. If we had more time, I would also want to dig down to the quality of student that you are, because if you miss on a lower cost education, there's less risk there in terms of money. Anyway. Coming up after the break, the hill I'm willing to die on. It's going to anger you. I'm Pete the planner. Yeah, Dame, that's interesting because I keep going back to the like, let's say you're an average student. I'm about to say something. Heinously obnoxious, as opposed to just normally obnoxious and excellence doesn't appeal to you, then absolutely go to the lower cost education, because if you end up having massive career failure, consistently, you're on the hook for less. But if you really strive for excellence and you can get into one of those high end schools depending on your field we recently hired someone who graduated from two incredible schools, and I didn't hire this person because of that, but as I saw it, I was like Jiminy Christmas.


Peter Dunn
And by the way, the person delivers on that. But that being said, I don't feel like one of the first things I look at where they've worked. I don't really look at where they went to school. I don't even look to see if they have a degree, to be honest.


Damian Dunn
With makes andy makes an interesting point. There are a number of schools that are need blind, especially in ivy league school. I'm not saying you don't try and shoot your shot and if it comes back that it's affordable, then, yeah, absolutely do it. But the cost, the overall cost, that comes down the line to you, what you're going to be on the hook for and how much debt you're going to have to take out. If that's the route you need to go, that's the determining factor.


Peter Dunn
All right. I don't even think Jeremiah is here, but we're going to move forward ignorant of his tastes. Let's move on. Okay. So I'm ready to expose myself. Well, my take, it's a podcast you wouldn't see much. Okay. I like that. Dame says, I agree with Andy, and then Andy just said in the comments, I agree with you, dame. Andy, you just agreed with yourself. You played yourself. Andy, wouldn't it be fun to hear Morgan Freeman say Andy's name? Like Morgan Freeman was saying andy Dufrain in shawshank redemption. Wouldn't that be fun? Couldn't we just have a clip of and ramsay? That was a pretty good morgan Freeman and ramsay and a dufrane. You don't think that's a good Morgan Freeman?


Damian Dunn
The Andy Dufrain was pretty good.


Peter Dunn
I can't you keep talking over my Morgan Freeman dame, shut your lips. And a Dufrain and a Ramsey. Jiminy Christmas.


Damian Dunn
You didn't do impersonations when you were on stage, did you?


Peter Dunn
That's a personal question. I'm out here risking my career by doing an amazing Morgan Freeman and you're.


Damian Dunn
About because nobody does Morgan Freeman impersonations. Nobody so unique.


Kristen Ahlenius
It's getting aggressive.


Peter Dunn
All right, let's start the segment in three, two, one. Back on the Pete the planner show, it's the hills we're willing to die on episode which sounds inherently violent during cold and flu season. Basically, these are personal finance opinions that the three of us have that we don't see any other way than our opinions. Kristen, quick recap of yours. What was it?


Kristen Ahlenius
Just because something's expensive does not make it an investment.


Damian Dunn
Dame, the cost of college matters as much, if not more than the name of the school on the diploma for most people.


Peter Dunn
And now it's time for me to drop a bomb on all of you that may lead to our show being canceled because I'm not sure the commercials that played during our show. Legalized sports gambling is one of the biggest financial problems in America today and will eventually have the impact that opioids have on our society. Wow.


Kristen Ahlenius
Hot take.


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
I mean, it is aggressive. I mean, it I think legalized sports gambling is a horrible thing for our society. Now, I want to also make a libertarian point here that I think is important. I think it should be legal. Okay. I think you can't tell someone not to do that, right? I think that it can't be legal. But I also have to say I think it is one of the worst things that exists. And just think about this. Since sports betting was legalized in the United States with apps and all these things, $161,000,000,000 have been wagered by just everyday people enticed by free money offers that think that they're moving themselves forward financially. On top of that, the indirect byproduct of all of this is how people invest differently. How Bitcoin has become gamified, how Robinhood has become gamified. I'm not tying red strings across a wall like I'm Carrie Matheson having conspiracy theories here, but I'm telling you, it is all tied together.


Peter Dunn
The fact that Bitcoin, the fact that Robinhood, the fact that legalized sports gambling are ruining people's finances, it is all tied together. And I will also note that it targets young men. As I think about how could this impact my life and my family, I have to think about how my ten year old son, when he watches sports or interacts with sports or anything, is constantly hit over the head with gambling like we never were. He's trying to watch NBA basketball, and before the game starts, the analyst is giving away a fake case of $20,000. If you can beat his bet, that's not a healthy thing. So I'm telling you, I don't know if MP3 s will still be a medium in which people listen to thing years from now. I'm telling you, 5710 years out, save this clip, I'll be dead. Save this clip, it's going to be true.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
All right. What if the ads were just dialed back? What if gambling was still there but it wasn't allowed to be advertised? Much like, what was it? IndyCar had something like this at one point in time, didn't they, where they couldn't advertise? Was it liquor?


Peter Dunn
Yeah. They couldn't do tobacco?


Damian Dunn
Yeah. So what if sports gambling was out there but it couldn't be advertised? Do you think that would have a significant impact in the dollars wagered?


Peter Dunn
Yeah. I will say that a lot of industries have been supported by these generous gambling dollars. And by the way, I want to make note here because the email is already going to blow up, but my Opioid comparison is, with respect, I'm not diminishing the opioid epidemic at all. I think if you read Empire of Pain, which is a book written by Patrick Red and Keith, I know it doesn't seem like I know anything, but I do read quite a bit. Is that the beginning of the Opioid pandemic epidemic was really brought on by business decisions made by companies and marketers? That's how it began. It took advantage of people's addiction. Right. That's the comparison. So hopefully people haven't turned this off and are calling me a horrible person. I mean, do so for other reasons, but it is a very valid comparison as to the choices that are being made.


Peter Dunn
New York Times did an investigation right around Thanksgiving of 2022. Numerous stories, dame and I i was sending them to you dame about how much manipulation is going on behind the scenes, how many unethical decisions are being made behind the scenes from legislators to spokespeople to the fact that now colleges and universities are marketing sports gambling to undergrads who are under 21 years old. It has the same roots as the opioid epidemic. Kristen, you asked for our hot takes here today. You did not realize you were getting a scorched earth dame thrower of a take from me?


Kristen Ahlenius
No, I didn't. So my follow up question to you. I think other people might be thinking this too. Is the gripe really and truly with sports gambling? Or is it the fear of the gateway of gamification in all other facets? Right? We're talking about the Gamification of investing, Robinhood, et cetera. Is it sports gambling or is it what appears to be the start of a very slippery slope?


Peter Dunn
That's a good question. I don't know if I can answer it. Succinctly I will say I do believe the root cause to be sports gambling. Right? And here's where I just can't get my head around this. And I am going to summon a name that you both like based on your university affiliation. But you think about what happened with Purdue's football team at the bowl season is that Drew Brees came back as a volunteer celebrity head coach, but then there became trouble because he's an endorser of sports gambling and he's affiliated with the college football team. And you think about all of those weird things. You think about someone like Peyton Manning who's got hundreds of millions of dollars but chooses to do Caesar's sports gambling commercials with his entire family to make sports gambling look like this fun family thing that everyone should do.


Peter Dunn
Does Peyton Manning not need does he need the Caesar's money? Does he not have hundreds of millions of dollars? Like, at what point does someone like this is bad stuff? I am part of this entire apparatus that is hurting people. Now, the thing is, you hear how passionate I am about this and you want to hear the weirdest part about this. There's zero impact on my family, close or extended. I know no one who is having a problem like this. I know people who sports gamble. I know a lot of people who sports gamble. But I know no one. I'm speaking with the passion of someone who lost someone to opioid addiction. I really am. But I have no horse in this race. I'm just telling you, this is what is going to happen.


Damian Dunn
What's strange for me or what's interesting to think about is gambling has been around forever, but it was always done kind of behind closed doors, back alley. It was something that existed but wasn't prevalent. And now we are glorifying gambling where it's cool, it's hip, it's something that kids are starting to do. And when you mentioned Ted, I thought you know what? Ted knows a lot about basketball and is super familiar with it and it wouldn't take much to convince him that, man, you know a lot. You could probably make some money doing this. I can see why you would be very.


Peter Dunn
Just, I don't know. This is the hottest take I've had in some Kristen.


Damian Dunn
You look shell shocked.


Kristen Ahlenius
Little bit. I'm kind of surprised, to be honest with you.


Peter Dunn
This was my hall of dame take. All right, coming up after the break, let's bring the joy back to the show. Biggest waste of money of the week. We're going towel off after the break here. Calm down, calm down and come back with a fun show. I'm Pete the planner and that's my hot take of the decade you asked for.


Kristen Ahlenius
Know not to put fuel on your concern, your fire of concern, but I would say that I know a lot of people who sports gamble. And the people that I know that would be of concern to me are the people who know more than anyone I know about sports because that's where I think the danger comes in, is feeling like you know more than Vegas and you're going to bet big. But I will say that for the most part, I would say that in the past I definitely had a similar take to up, like, why does anybody do it? But I think most of the people that I know that sports gamble throw the same $10 back and forth across the over and the under just as entertainment while watching a game. So I don't have nearly as hot of a take on that one anymore.


Peter Dunn
That's fine. If you're looking for an incredibly interesting read that reads like an action movie but is actually a nonfiction book. Empire of pain is one of the best books I've ever read. I mean, it really goes into the history of the opioid epidemic. I wish I would have started there because that way I could have maybe fought off some of the people who were going to kill me. But dame, I think also the tobacco industry had the same thing. I mean, it was a similar element. And I just think that reckoning is coming.


Damian Dunn
I don't know. Trying to draw the comparison between opioids and gambling was a strong move, but sports gambling is a huge issue and I do believe it will continue to gather steam and we'll see some significant fallout from it. We'll see if there's a package to bail out sports gamblers that makes it through congress.


Peter Dunn
All right, I will say this before you flame. Anyone leaves one star and how dare you? Or before people go on Twitter saying what an idiot I am, I encourage you to read empire of pain. And then I encourage you to read the New York Times entire series of expose articles on sports gambling that came out on November 22 of 2022 and tell me I'm wrong after that. Other than that, you're just reading the headline and disagreeing with it. But you got to read the article, folks. Fair. Kristen, is this what J O meant when she said I make you uncomfortable?


Kristen Ahlenius
No, I don't think that's what J o. Meant. I think it's when you guys ask me questions about people that I was dead when they were famous. Or I think it's more like that.


Peter Dunn
Wait. Dame made a reference earlier that someone pointed out that there's no way you knew who was talking about.


Kristen Ahlenius
I knew. I can't remember. I think it was Morgan Freeman. You know who Morgan I know who Morgan Freeman is, but I didn't know what was the movie you said?


Peter Dunn
Shawshank Redemption.


Damian Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
Never seen that. That's going on instagram. What in the world have you never timestamp 53 minutes.


Peter Dunn
One of my best friends were born two weeks apart. Been one of my best friends since 6th grade for his birthday as an adult, every year, his birthday gift to himself, which is just really weird. He watches Shawshank Redemption by himself every year as an adult on his birthday. Again, really kind of a weirdo, very normal person. One of the weirdest things. How have you never seen Shawshank Redemption?


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, for starters, I was four months old when it came out, so just saying.


Damian Dunn
Have you never seen any movies from before when you were born?


Kristen Ahlenius
Not many. And I've not seen many from after I was born, either. I don't like movies.


Damian Dunn
Okay, so you're not a movie person.


Peter Dunn
Not a movie person. It's a great movie. I'm stunned. All right, well, we got to continue because I got stuff to do. Jeremiah so upset right now. Okay, here we go. Let's do the show and start now in three, two, one. This week's biggest waste of money of the week right here on the Pete the planner show is dinosaur dig by the Luminaire. The luminaire has announced its latest travel experience a luxury dinosaur dig at a top secret location in Wyoming as part of an exclusive partnership with naturalists the National Natural wait a second. Say National Natural five times fast. Kristen. National Natural five times fast. Go.


Kristen Ahlenius
National I can't say it once. National Natural. I can barely say it once.


Peter Dunn
National Natural.


Damian Dunn
National Natural.


Peter Dunn
Nautilus. The national natural history museum of the Netherlands unearthed the skeleton of one of the largest dinosaurs, the diplodocus. Diploticus, who gives usaurus working alongside expert paleontologists participate in an active dig and help to shape the world's understanding of dinosaurs from the late Jurassic period. Staying at a luxury camp, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to uncover dinosaur bones that have laid, buried, and previously undisturbed for up to 150,000,000 years. You've seen that movie, Kristen. And with the option to take away a 3D printed version of the bone you uncover, you'll always remember the experience. A portion of the sales from each journey will support the work of naturalist scientists. These are scientists from the Netherlands that are digging in Wyoming. I don't know how this works. They're grave robbing dame. We're going to start with Kristen because she's a lot of talents. This is not one of them.


Peter Dunn
Kristen, what would it cost to do a dinosaur?


Kristen Ahlenius
It did you say how long it is? Is it just like a one day deal or did I miss that?


Peter Dunn
If this affects your answer, let's just assume a week. You get to stay for a week and you have continental breakfast. There's free waffles on the Hampton Inn. I don't know. A week?


Kristen Ahlenius
Ten grand.


Peter Dunn
Okay. Damien, what do you think it costs to violate the grave of these thunder lizards?


Damian Dunn
We'll say $15,000.


Peter Dunn
Oh, I'm sorry. The answer is $34,780 to dig for dinosaurs. Not to get weird here, but I can tell you where the decrepit bones of a family poodle are if you're interested in digging up things.


Kristen Ahlenius
So this thing has been in the ground for 150,000,000 years and they're just going to let regular old people help dig it up?


Peter Dunn
No, wealthy people.


Damian Dunn
Sorry, not regular people.


Peter Dunn
These are not regular people. Excuse me. These are wealthy people. Check yourself. Dane, what's in the news this week?


Damian Dunn
Last week we mentioned that eggs are more expensive than ever, but OJ is squeezing its way to the top of the list of high cost breakfast favorites. Florida is expected to produce less than half the size of last year's poor crop of oranges. That would be about 18,000,090 pound boxes. Guessing game time. Here we go.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, boy.


Damian Dunn
The peak orange production in Florida was 1998. What percent has that production decreased for.


Kristen Ahlenius
This year from 1998?


Damian Dunn
How many fewer oranges are they producing percentage wise?


Peter Dunn
Okay, I have a guess. Kristen, what's yours? Is that real or is that Pulp Fiction?


Damian Dunn
An ill timed freeze, hurricanes and citrus disease has caused the smallest crop in nearly 90 years.


Peter Dunn
I said, is that real or is that Pulp Fiction?


Damian Dunn
I know.


Peter Dunn
No reacted.


Kristen Ahlenius
We're like the girls soccer team, I feel.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, we've moved on.


Peter Dunn
Pete. Tristan.


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
In water is wet. News crypto lender Genesis filed for Chapter Eleven bankruptcy protection late last night in Manhattan federal court, the latest casualty in the industry contagion caused by the collapse of FTX. The company listed over 100,000 creditors in a, quote, mega bankruptcy filing with aggregate liabilities ranging from 1.2 billion to $11 billion, according to bankruptcy documents. Pete, I know you like the phrase. I'm sorry crypto lender and I feel similarly, of course, because we share at least one parent. But what about the phrase really captures your attention?


Peter Dunn
Well, first of all, I want to say that what you just said was funny and I rewarded you with laughter and a smile. Okay? And I'm just looking for a little reciprocation. But the term crypto lender is how did anyone ever decide that was going to be thing. It's a speculative asset class and then you're going to tie debt to it. Like crypto lender.


Kristen Ahlenius
Kristen, it's one of those I don't know what to say because I felt like the writing was on the wall and I don't like to be an I told you so kind of gal.


Peter Dunn
Well, just wait until sports gambling takes down the world and I come back on here. I'm like I told you so. Sponsored by FanDuel.


Damian Dunn
Jeremy might be able to give us some real good insight to this next one. Netflix is hiring a flight attendant for one of its private jets with a successful applicant being paid as much as $385,000 a year. Streaming giant says it's looking for candidates with, quote, independent judgment, discretion and outstanding customer service skills. They should also be able to operate with little direction and a lot of self motivation. The advert added.


Peter Dunn
Go ahead.


Damian Dunn
Sorry, advert added. The team helps, quote, helps Netflix reach the world more efficiently and effectively so the company continue to create joy around the world. The average salary for a US flight attendant? $62,000 a year.


Peter Dunn
So I think being a flight attendant is an incredibly difficult job. I'm just going to put that out there. I would put them on the spectrum of underappreciated professions, like teachers on the spectrum. Right. That's a lot of money.


Kristen Ahlenius
A lot of money.


Peter Dunn
That's a lot of money. How is someone that much better, six times better than the average compensated person at that job?


Damian Dunn
I have no idea. I wish I did. To be fair, they are advertising a range of salaries and I think the floor was around $60,000. So it could be anywhere in there. But the fact that they would go up to almost $400,000 seems generous.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Didn't New York Times put out, gosh, I got to quit referencing New York Times because they've just turned into that uber obnoxious person. But they did a thing around the holidays of jobs that you we did it on the show. Like jobs that you don't know what their pay is and then you figure it out. This. Dane brought that New York Times story. So it wasn't me. It's definitely on him. Man, that is a surprising number. Surprising number, I agree.


Damian Dunn
Can you put a price on love? Well, match group thinks so. Match is testing a $500 a month subscription to Tinder, according to Bloomberg. And while that Tinder feature is still in experimental mode, match is moving ahead with a new subscription for Hinge, which is another one of its dating apps, rolling out a souped up version for, quote, highly motivated daters that costs $60 a month.


Peter Dunn
I have all the questions and Kristen, I'm turning to you. I don't know why. And here's why. Because I need answers. And there is 0% chance that Dame and I have any insight here. Just demographically, you have a better chance to have insight here. So that's why I'm asking you, is that fair?


Kristen Ahlenius
That's fair, yeah.


Peter Dunn
First, the question is a little off course here, and we only have a minute left, so we got to get to it. Are people embarrassed or ashamed to say they use dating apps? Is there any shame in it? I wouldn't think so, but I don't know if there is or not.


Kristen Ahlenius
I don't think so. But in my circle, people who are on dating apps are very they're, like, overly blase about it. Like, oh, well, I'm on Tinder, so I feel like there is kind of some hidden shame there. Because you have to lead with that.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, because Dame Rhett's, where I'm going with this is like, there has to be shame of I'm spending $6,000 a year to find love.


Damian Dunn
I guess it depends on the love that you find.


Kristen Ahlenius
It's an investment.


Damian Dunn
It's an investment, exactly.


Peter Dunn
Seems like a gamble to me. We tied the show together. Okay. Oh, robert over the top rope off of YouTube live comment, $500 a month. Should it be called? Tender with T-E-N-D-E-R. Wow. Bobby wow. I don't know if anyone calls you Bob. Kristen thank you for your hot take. Dame. Thanks for yours, Ashley. I'm sorry about the email this week that you're going to have to sort through. Send everyone else good vibes, because good vibes are all that's in the budget. I'm Pete's planner. This is Pete's planner show. You think our email inbox blows?


Kristen Ahlenius
No, I think there will be maybe one bad podcast review.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, I said you'll get a bad podcast.


Peter Dunn
Have a can you not send it to me? Dame yeah, I'm having a perfectly good oh, hey, slack from Dame. What's it say? Everyone hates you. Oh, my day just took a turn.


Damian Dunn
Just one person. It wasn't everyone. And they were wrong, by the way. Totally wrong.


Peter Dunn
Did I give you an update on that, by the way?


Damian Dunn
You told me about last okay.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Okay. There's the update. Kristen you're not going to get it on the air. I'll have to wait till we go off the air because I don't need to get that's fair in trouble again. I was telling a friend this week, I went to lunch with her yesterday. She was like, how long do you think you'll do the radio show? That's sort of why I sort of asked. And I said, honestly, I don't know. This isn't like me quitting the show. Don't worry, everybody. Yeah, no, it just means something different to me than it used to. Right. I mean, that's not a surprise, and it shouldn't be a surprise. I've been doing this since 2009. Right. But I say what gets old is like, I'm not trying to offend. I'm not trying to have hot takes other than today. But then when someone listens to 5 seconds of the show and then tells you're a terrible person because of that gets old.


Peter Dunn
I don't need that aggravation, you know what I'm saying? So I was pointing out to her if anything ever ended the show, it would likely be that, which is also why I don't read my email.


Damian Dunn
You pay somebody else, too.


Peter Dunn
Book recommendation of the week, everybody. I'm going to give one here it is. A book called I don't know the name of it. I just know.


Kristen Ahlenius
Empire of pain.


Peter Dunn
There's a second well, yeah, well, this is what I'm reading now. It's david Goggins second book. It's called never finished. Oh, Kristen is not into this.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
How can you not like David goggins.


Kristen Ahlenius
David Goggins and Jocko just like aren't it for me?


Peter Dunn
That's fine, right? By the way, I think you know me pretty well and you wouldn't think that I would like that.


Kristen Ahlenius
That's fair.


Peter Dunn
I think it's interesting because it's a completely different perspective from me and how I think, and so Never Finish, it's David Goggin's second book. I liked his first one and this second one's pretty good. Although my colleagues, including Damien, were mocking me the other day because I tend to listen to audiobooks at a frenetic impossible.


Damian Dunn
There's no way.


Peter Dunn
Okay, I'm going to play the speed of which I listen to audiobooks. And I need to make a couple of points here before you listen to it because otherwise you think I'm crazy. Number one, if I listen to it at a normal or even slightly increased speed, I will daydream, I will get distracted, I will lose track of what I'm listening to, and so I constantly rewinding and it's frustrating. So what I discovered about myself is if it's so fast that I have to be 100% locked in, that I don't lose focus and I get through the book faster and I can still digest what I'm listening to. Do you buy that dame?


Damian Dunn
No, wait till you hear it. I have zero reason to be concerned about copyright issues because nobody's going to understand what's being said here.


Peter Dunn
I want to offer you the chance damn. In a safe space. Are you calling BS on that I do this? Are you calling BS that I can still like my wife does. She says there's no way at that speed you can get anything from the book.


Damian Dunn
That second. Mrs. Planner and I are in arm and arm on that one.


Peter Dunn
Here we go. My mother knock on the door. While we waited, I scanned the yard. My grandparents had a big property, a full acre of land, including a wide, perfectly manicured lawn with train tracks running along one side. There wasn't a blade of green grass out of place and a single weed inside. That should have been my first warning. My dad was convinced that my grandparents had been behind our escape from Buffalo. He didn't witness our arrival or my grandmother.


Damian Dunn
I got probably 75% of that.


Peter Dunn
You weren't thinking hard enough.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
I'm telling you, if you're running or exercising or walk, whatever, hiking. And you just are locked in. You're not on a phone, you're not driving, where you have to deal with stuff you can lock in. And I'm telling you, for me, it's the better way to go.


Damian Dunn
To me, that's more of a consumption experience than an enjoying experience.


Peter Dunn
Jeremy, that is both funny and not funny, and so we are not going to acknowledge your comment. Anyway, that's the book of the week for me. Although here's what I'm starting next week. No one cares. People probably don't actually care.


Damian Dunn
Are we turning this into a book club?


Peter Dunn
I don't know. I'm into reading right now. All right, that's all I have. Dame Kristen, thank you for being part of whatever today was. Everyone else stay getting money.