Retirement and 401k
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Automatic Enrollment
Automatic Enrollment
A process where employees are automatically enrolled in a retirement savings plan, such as a 401(k), unless they opt-out.
Retirement and 401k
Deferred Compensation
Deferred Compensation
A portion of an employee's income that is paid out at a later date, often used in retirement plans or executive compensation packages.
Retirement and 401k
Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)
Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP)
This program allows employees eligible for retirement to continue working while accumulating retirement benefits in a separate account, which are paid out in a lump sum at retirement.
Retirement and 401k
Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)
Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)
Amount of money you have to take out of your retirement account each year after you reach a certain age, 73 currently, based on calculations from the IRS's Uniform Lifetime Table or Joint Life and Last Survivor Expectancy Table.
Retirement and 401k
Retirement Plan Vesting
Retirement Plan Vesting
The process by which employees earn the right to employer contributions to their retirement plan over time.
Retirement and 401k