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Financial stress management: A guide about what financial stress is and how to handle it

Have you ever been kept up at night by thoughts racing through your mind like unpaid bills, mounting debts, or just how on earth you're going to afford that unexpected car repair? Yep, me too. It's called financial stress, and it's not just an occasional visitor in the lives of many; it's more like an unwelcome houseguest who overstays their welcome. The thing is, financial stress doesn't just keep you up at night; it creeps into every corner of your life—messing with your health, your relationships, your work life, etc. 

So, how do we show this freeloader the door? It's a complex issue, but understanding the nuts and bolts of financial stress is the first step in reclaiming your peace of mind. In this blog, we'll dive deep into what financial stress is, how it manifests itself in your life, and more importantly, ways to effectively manage it. Because let's face it: in a world where 72% of American adults say that money is a significant stressor, it's high time we tackled this problem head-on.

Financial stress is a specific type of stress that comes from managing money such as making ends meet, paying debts, or building savings for future needs. It can manifest in various ways and may lead to negative impacts on a person's physical and psychological state. Some common financial stress symptoms include constant worrying about money matters, difficulty sleeping due to these concerns, frequent mood swings or irritability due to financial pressures, and, in some cases, engaging in compulsive behaviors like excessive shopping or gambling.

How does financial stress affect your health? A significant body of research has shown that there is a strong correlation between financial difficulties and adverse outcomes on physical and mental well-being. For instance, people experiencing debt-related issues are more likely to report symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, high blood pressure, and increased susceptibility to colds or flu. The effects of financial stress also extend beyond just the physiological realm – it can strain relationships with family members or friends due to arguments over money matters.

Another important aspect to consider is how financial stress impacts mental health. Numerous studies have demonstrated associations between personal finance problems and conditions like depression or anxiety disorders; these links seem particularly pronounced among low-income populations who often face additional challenges related to social exclusion or stigma around their economic status. Among college students (a population at high risk for developing mental health problems), research has found that those who report higher levels of student loan debt are more likely to exhibit symptoms consistent with generalized anxiety disorder compared with their less indebted peers.

Financial stress and mental health statistics paint a sobering picture of how pervasive this issue is in today's society. According to the APA, more than two-thirds of adults in the United States report that money is a significant source of stress in their lives, with 62% attributing it as a major contributor to anxiety or depression symptoms. Moreover, Bankrate says 35% of Americans carry debt from month to month which can exacerbate feelings of financial insecurity.

Financial stress management ideas: 

How to combat financial stress

‍Identify the root causes

  • Understand employment issues: Acknowledge if unemployment or underemployment is causing financial stress.
  •  Note unexpected expenses: Be aware of sudden financial burdens like medical bills, car repairs, or other unexpected costs.
  •  Gauge financial literacy: Evaluate your skills in budgeting, investing, and managing debt.
  •  Assess lifestyle choices: Are you living beyond your means due to social pressures or consumerism?
  •  Account for life events: Recognize the impact of significant life changes such as divorce or the death of a loved one on your financial situation.

Initial steps for management

  • Recognize symptoms:  Be aware of stress signs like anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.
  • Acknowledge the issue: Accept that addressing financial stress can positively impact your overall well-being.

‍Planning and budgeting

  •  Create a realistic budget: Base it on your current income and essential expenses.
  •  Set savings goals: Plan for future needs or wants, including emergency funds, retirement, or major life events.
  •  Identify cutbacks: Pinpoint areas for discretionary spending reductions to free up resources for debt payment or savings.

‍Seek professional guidance

  •  Consult financial planners: Certified professionals can provide tailored advice.
  • Enroll in financial education programs: Strengthen your financial literacy skills and build confidence in making money-related decisions.

Personal well-being

  • Engage in physical activity: Exercise can be a great stress reliever.
  • Lean on a support network: Discuss financial stress with understanding friends or family members.
  • Consider professional counseling: Seek counseling services if financial stress significantly affects your mental health.

Employer-sponsored financial wellness programs

Many employers now recognize the importance of financial wellness and offer programs designed to help employees manage their financial stress. These programs, like Your Money Line, often include resources like access to certified financial planners, workshops on budgeting and investing, and even tools for debt management and retirement planning. Participating in an employer-sponsored financial wellness program can provide a structured environment to learn essential financial skills, thereby mitigating financial stress and improving overall well-being. If your employer offers such a program, taking advantage of these resources can be a crucial step in combating financial stress.

In conclusion, understanding the various facets of financial stress – including its symptoms, impact on health, causes, and potential remedies – is the key to developing effective approaches to cope with and alleviate this pervasive source of anxiety in today's society. By acknowledging the undeniable link between financial stress and mental health, individuals can take proactive steps towards achieving greater overall well-being by implementing sound financial stress management strategies.
